TudyBOT Feedback & Discussion Thread

I personally think that if she stays, she needs to stay in her own area and a strong disclaimer be given.

I have seen her give bad health advice, and give advice that while isn't bad - it's not helpful and would only serve to waste precious time in an emergency.

I fear that some members may think she's incapable of being wrong - because AI. They would take her advice to administer fluids via IV/sub-q under the supervision of a vet. Only to then decide they can't afford that and cull their pet. When if they'd listened to some more experienced members, they could have saved their pet at home by tubing or providing sub-q fluids. This is of course only one example based off of answers I've seen her give.

I don't care if she stays, but she needs a disclaimer (not only in the signature line) and she needs to stay in her own area.
I was active in that thread, and I saw her learning
On more than one occasion
I read the whole thread and saw the same question asked multiple times with the same wrong answer given again after being corrected and admitting the error the first time.

1:49 PM MT, 4/1/2023



6:36 PM MT, 4/1/2023



There are other cases.
I feel like she has the potential to be a good helper in the BYC community and help our members with any issues that they have but I feel like she might need more time to become a great helper to our BYC members. Like @R2elk mentioned, she has been wrong a few times but with a little more time, she might be useful. I just don't think she's ready right now.
I said it once and I will say it again. I trust the staff and moderators of BYC entirely. I know that they are the people that care the most about this forum and want to see it thrive, and that is why I will support whatever decision they reach. If I had to give an opinion, I think TudyBOT should stay, but stay in her corner(s) as she does make some mistakes. For example, I asked her if muscovy ducks are good fliers and she told me that they are very poor flyers and even khaki cambells are better at flying. While mature muscovy drakes are bad at flying, hens and young drakes are not. There are some other things she got wrong, but since they are not related to poultry I won't mention them. Now, I do think that she does provide information that could be helpful to the forum, because truthfully, some people might not be educated enough to give good advice. That being said, she will never outshine the expertise of the members of BYC, and in addition with her mistakes, I think it's best she stays in her corner(s) where people could come and ask questions, while also having the opportunity to get proper information in case Tudy cannot. At the end of the day, if you end up not keeping her, I'd like to see hee design still featured somewhere on BYC, because it's a very well made design and I'd hate for it to go wasted
I must have mellowed a bit. I hadn't really appreciated the community until a couple of years ago. I like reading the differing view points even when I don't agree with them. Keeping my own thread ticking over with minimum verbal violence has been a great learning experience for me.

There are messages from computers on the trains, on the buses, in the shops not to mention the bots that are constantly turning up on my web sites. I'm not so naive or that much of a Luddite to want nothing to do with bots, but I come to BYC to talk to people, not bots.
There are all those little insights in many of the well written posts, that give one confidence that the person you are communicating with has some emotional investment in their creatures and some experience in dealing with a similar problem.

While it is true that the bot is only a tool one doesn't have to think very hard to come up with other tools that can and have done considerable damage.
I agree for information outside of the chicken Realm I usually use Siri or Alexa I do enjoy communicating with people that share my interest in chickens. I'm addicted to chickens lol
I'm particularly interested in what those who are for the bot believe the bot can bring to BYC.
  • speed of response
  • Available 24/7 is another
  • Sometimes wrong, sometimes accuracy of information.
  • One more data-point / answer / Point-Of-View to add to the mix.
  • learning
  • creativity
  • fun
  • ... and other reasons we haven't discovered yet :)

only have to correct it and then it will remember that information
It learns
This is not accurate. The model is tweaked, but the main corpus of information remains static as of September 2021. Sometimes these models will answer the same question different ways. In our case, since the bot is reviewing the last 10 posts (which are almost always different), the answers will almost always be slightly or completely different.

I fear that some members may think she's incapable of being wrong - because AI.
If this is true, then (IMO) the answer isn't to remove / avoid AI, but to learn that AI isn't always right.

Imagine if we lived in a world where everyone believed everything they read on the internet, or in the magazines in the supermarket checkout line?!?!

While I don't think BYC is responsible for teaching people to be mindful and a little skeptical of ANYTHING they read on the internet, I won't be sad if people learn to take some pause, do a bit more reading and research, and then carefully consider their next course of action. This is true for everything anybody says.

Related: We're in a rapidly changing world where almost anybody will be able to create a robot to post articles, comments, etc. on the internet. Many of those will be disguised as humans.

In our case we are evaluating the pros of having one extra tool / feature on BYC that our members can choose to use or ignore... but doing so in an incredibly open and transparent way. :)
TudyBot is here to stay; I applaud NiftyChicken {and crew!) for the decision to include members is deciding how.

Why "TudyBOT"?

Perhaps obvious - making it a member, thus integrating AI to leverage site capabilities, is brilliant.

Already it is difficult to follow what TudeBot threads are active; IMHO there should be very few. It (the bot) is being provided as a resource in the context of posting on BYC sub forums; it follows that most bot asks/responses should remain in their original context.

Why will TudyBoy not respond when I try to engage in a "Conversation"?
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If this is true, then (IMO) the answer isn't to remove / avoid AI, but to learn that AI isn't always right.

Imagine if we lived in a world where everyone believed everything they read on the internet, or in the magazines in the supermarket checkout line?!?!

While I don't think BYC is responsible for teaching people to be mindful and a little skeptical of ANYTHING they read on the internet, I won't be sad if people learn to take some pause, do a bit more reading and research, and then carefully consider their next course of action. This is true for everything anybody says.

Related: We're in a rapidly changing world where almost anybody will be able to create a robot to post articles, comments, etc. on the internet. Many of those will be disguised as humans.

In our case we are evaluating the pros of having one extra tool / feature on BYC that our members can choose to use or ignore... but doing so in an incredibly open and transparent way. :)
I agree 100%. Unfortunately there are a lot of people that do believe everything they read on the internet. (Looking at you Facebook) That's my reasoning for the disclaimer. I use my phone 100% of the time I'm here, and I never look at it in landscape mode - therefore my reason for a disclaimer that isn't just in the signature line. I don't see signatures.

My fear is that if she's let loose on the forum without proper disclaimers (or maybe even with), people will pay the price with their birds' lives in the process of learning "not to believe everything they read on the internet". If she were contained to just her corner, it would limit the amount of people reading over health/emergency threads and taking potentially harmful advice.

Other than that, I think everything else is great.

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