TULSA area Cluckers


Got home from our two week vacation at dusk tonight, dumped everything in the house and ran around to check on everyone. We are THREE short. Neighbor stopped by to say he stopped a stray dog that got in and killed one yesterday and called animal control to get it hauled off- I'm pretty sure it was the blue Ameraucana hen that it got. :( :( :( Also missing Daisy, our French Black Copper Maran hen with the pretty leg feathering, and one of the Rhode Island Reds. I hope the other two have just decided to sleep somewhere besides the coop for the night but it was too dark to find them by the time I realized they were missing.

So our Amerauacana and FBCM trios are down to pairs, the babies growing up won't be laying for at least 2-4 months and there go our spring breeding plans.... <sigh>...

Also ended up losing 3 chicks from the garage brooder, I think one FBCM chick, one Ameraucana, and one EE.

I'm sure glad I managed to sell a few and the extra roosters before vacation or I would have worried about them, too!
Rinda~ that would be awful to come home to! Sorry to hear this.
On a brighter note... Thunder is getting more beautiful by the day. Heard him trying out his crowing this morning. A hen from another coop made her way into his run this morning. He was very quick to defend his girls from the intruder!
Nope, searched high and low yesterday. I found a pile of feathers from the RIR (the one the neighbor said the dog got) and from the blue ameraucana but I can't find a sign of the FBCM. Turns out Daisy IS still here but not the other FBCM. Which is my preference but still not good.

Picking up a black ameraucana from Poco Pollo sometime in the next week and yesterday I put our other black ameraucana in isolation to see if she is laying yet so we aren't totally out of the game yet.

The RIR isn't a huge loss, it was for eating eggs and EEs.

The FBCM we set before we left are due to hatch Friday- candled last night and it looks like we will get 15-17 out of 20! Two look suspiciously off space-wise in the egg. They are so dark it is hard to candle them though so I'm hoping for 17! And all 4 Ameraucana eggs - the last from Lady Gray (the blue ameraucana)- look good, too.

I can't BELIEVE how big the babies got in 2 weeks! Cream Legbars, Isbars, blue Ameraucanas, and French Black Copper Marans. They are looking all grown up. I need to get some pictures and post them sometime this week, if I ever get caught up from vacation! My favorite FBCM cockerel is looking too colorful though. :( He is so super friendly though!!!!

Also while we were gone Big Stuff, the FBCM cockerel, took over as head rooster and poor Fat Albert the Ameraucana is not looking so well, almost no tail left from all the attacks, so I had to separate the groups back out. After a few weeks apart I'm hoping he'll be back to his sassy self.

Don't remember if I posted this here but I have black orpington cockerels that are needing new homes. They are too pretty to even think of doing anything other than taking care of their own ladies. I know not many people have black orpingtons but they won't be picky about their ladies.

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