TULSA area Cluckers

Definitely interested in your hatchlings. Post pics when they arrive! How long before you are ready to release them? What kind of honey? Wildflower?
Here's a picture of the parents, The roo is black, one hen is black, one hen is blue. The blue hen was already overbred when we got her, I'm guessing the feathers won't grow back until her next molt. She will be very pretty then, but not so pretty now! :p $5 per chick. Probably end of next week they should be ready to go. Nine went into lockdown hopefully it will be a good hatch!
The honey is wildflower, we have some beehives in our backyard and some at a friend's house near the port of Catoosa so it is local. Filtered, Unpasteurized, 100% honey. Plain honey $8.50 per pint $16 per quart. Honeycomb is gone for this year.

Beautiful chickens! The kids and I are excited. I am jealous that you have hives. Have always wanted to do that. One day... I am happy I found this group; it is nice to know there are other enthusiasts locally.
And hatching is well underway! While we were gone all day at church and grandma's house we had 7 or 8 hatch out, several others pipped, it looks like a GREAT hatch! The Ameraucanas are being a bit slower than the Cream Legbars, but I know two of them were a day behind the rest. Will post pics tomorrow after the little fuzzy-butts dry off!

ETA: I find waiting for a hatch akin to waiting for Christmas morning!
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OK Here's the Ameraucana's that are hatched so far, 4 black and 1 blue, I love that they already have muffs and beards! They are my little old man chickies! 4 more still in bator!

And have to show off the Cream Legbars, here's the girls:

And the boys:

The one at the bottom right has something wrong with a leg. :( Hope I can tape it up and it will heal right.
Too cute!!! I have"chicken fever" now & want to try hatching some too! Which chicks are already spoken for?
I could use some help! A friend of mine`s daughter rescued two baby bunnies.....They were mowing the pasture next to the school and ran the mother off and left these two cute things, she aint coming back! What I need is advice on how to keep these little things alive or hand them off to somebody who can. Let me know here or call me at 918-366-0326 thanks!

Hola, Tulsa area cluckers.

I don't know how many of you peruse the Okies thread, so I thought I would pop on over and tell you Fishers Egg Farm in Bristow is having a $1 per bird sale this coming Thursday, August 9th. They are 24 month old Leghorns. I picked up 65 today and will return for another 100 on Thursday, but don't worry. They have 4,000 of them for sale so there is plenty for everybody. And it is a lot closer to you than to me (Geronimo).

Here is the detailed information I shared in the okies thread:


Hope to see you there!
Hola, Tulsa area cluckers.

I don't know how many of you peruse the Okies thread, so I thought I would pop on over and tell you Fishers Egg Farm in Bristow is having a $1 per bird sale this coming Thursday, August 9th. They are 24 month old Leghorns. I picked up 65 today and will return for another 100 on Thursday, but don't worry. They have 4,000 of them for sale so there is plenty for everybody. And it is a lot closer to you than to me (Geronimo).

Here is the detailed information I shared in the okies thread:


Hope to see you there!
I saw that and was just mentioning it to my husband... we wouldn't want very many though so trying to decide if it is worth the trip. If someone else from Tulsa is going we might consider a group trip?
Just saw your post- hope I am not too late! Mother bunnies leave the babies alone all day, only coming at dusk to feed their offspring. People often think they are helping babies that are found all alone and try to take care of them when all that is really needed is to put them back where they came from. If the nest is disturbed, try placing the bunnies in a safe spot nearby. If it is a lost cause, like the nest is totally destroyed or dogs or cats are threatening the babies, then get the bunnies to an experienced wildlife rehabilitator. We do some wildlife rehab at my hospital, South Memorial Animal Hospital. You can bring the bunnies to us if you want. We are located at 7924 E. 55th St. in Tulsa. Phone is 918-664-8690. Website www.southmemorial.com. Otherwise, bunnies can be syringe/dropper fed Esbilac (puppy milk replacer). Be very careful about aspiration. Also, cottontails are very susceptible to stress. Technically, only licensed wildlife rehabilitators are legally allowed to take care of injured/orpahned wildlife, but very doubtful anyone would bust you for it.

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