Turkey eggs and incubating them.

I always take my eggs out of storage and let them warm up slowly before I set them. If cold eggs are put in the incubator, water condenses on the shell where possible bacteria can penetrate the shell or the yolks occasionally rupture. My incubator is warm on top. I just set the eggs in a carton on top of the incubator for 6-8 hours before I set them.

I sure hope you got the real deal. I think it is impossible to tell from looks. There is a lot of miss labeling of turkeys. Even judges can't tell the difference from Midget Whites and Beltsville. DNA test would be great before we buy.

I just candled my 18 Wishard Bronze Turkey eggs and 16 are growing and doing great!!!

I candled my 10 Black Winged Bronze eggs (10) and 6 of them are growing great!

All the ones(6) that were no good are clear.
For the first time with turkeys and chicks hatching in the hatching tray. I was worried, but they are doing good.
So happy just had to share my news.
I've got to candle our midget whites tonight, will let ya'll know if we are successful with any percentage! This is my first batch of incubating turkey eggs. Well, actually second but the first batch of midget whites suffered through a very cold night when power was out for 24 hours, I lost them, cuckoo, black copper Marans eggs as well
Lockdown is Day 25...any problems with lockdown on Day 26? I have my turkey egg (single, started out with three), in with some chicken eggs that go into lockdown one day after the turkey egg is why I'm asking.
Nope I have 3 out one fixing to pop its top and the rest have pips.
As of right now it looks like I will have the 16 hatch as 2 were clear.
My other 6 go in lockdown on the 8th.

This is the only one that would come to the front of the hatcher.

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