TURKEY FOLKS! How much feed a month do you use?


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 16, 2010
Palomino Valley/Reno, NV
i am raising 25 bb turkeys. they are going on 6 months of age. they eat on an average of 14-50lb bags of 20% lay pellet and 8-50lb bags of hen scratch a month. there is no feed waste. is this normal and the right amount they should be eating? also, someone told me they can raise 30 bb turkeys for $35-45 a month. is that possible when giving them the proper diet? and if so, how? i would really love to talk to some hardcore turkey people. thank you so much.
Holy crud thats alot of food! But then again I only have 2 turkeys! do they free range? Youd save alot of $ during Sring Summer and Fall with that!!!

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