turkey hen

I've seen racoons and possums eat eggs, they leave a mess. The hen would leave her nest to eat at night, we think it got them then. Can't even tell there was a nest there now, no shells, just a few feathers.
I've seen racoons and possums eat eggs, they leave a mess. The hen would leave her nest to eat at night, we think it got them then. Can't even tell there was a nest there now, no shells, just a few feathers.

I have had raccoons and skunks clean out nests. There was never anything left, not even an eggshell. The skunks would walk right up to a turkey sitting on a nest and just push under the hen to get to the eggs. It would usually cause the hen to make a racket waking me up in the middle of the night. The hens didn't waste any time leaving the nest when a raccoon was the culprit since the raccoon would be just as happy to add the hen to his dinner.
I've seen foxes here. And never seen a skunk near my property only seen one raccoon near here and that was five miles and dead. I'm sure it was the fox
I've seen foxes here. And never seen a skunk near my property only seen one raccoon near here and that was five miles and dead. I'm sure it was the fox

Unless skunks are really thick most people never see them since they are mostly nocturnal. The only time I see skunks or raccoons now is when I find one in my live trap that I keep baited all year round with eggs. This year I have already caught 3 raccoons and 5 skunks. I didn't see any of them until they showed up in my trap.

You may very well be correct about it being a fox. My point is simply that just because you don't see something around doesn't mean it isn't there.

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