Turkey Pictures please!!!

After seeing those Bourbons - I may have to get a pair. They are BEAUTIFUL! I do love my Royals but jeez those Bourbons are awesome.
We have a variety here. XD

Our Narragansett boys:

My Blue Palm girl.

My Bourban Red tom:

They are all very sweet and have excellent temperaments. I don't know about how they taste, never ate any of them before. Only the BBW's.
My Regal Red tom... They are a lot like Bourbon Reds but without the white in the wings and tail. I really love him.

I picked Royals because I thought they were pretty - and because they had them at a swap that I attended *L*
I have yet to eat one...but the Tom weighs (estimates) around 20 pounds and the hens around 15 pounds - and they are almost a year old.
thanks so much, please keep posting pictures, so far i really like the Bourbon Reds, they look awsome, does anybody know of really good broody turkeys? im just horrible at incubator stuff since im not home very much, so i let all my animals hatch on their own, well my chickens dont, my ducks hatch their eggs, i love breeding my animals, hopefully my goats are next, thanks

Thanks. I can't speak for the other breeds but all of my girls are broody right now. They are diligent broody hens and good moms. I have some setting on goose eggs too.

I would say that the hatch rate is 98% with 1.5 % is them stepping on the eggs and losing the eggs and 0.5% eggs not being fertile. Out of all of the turkey eggs that they girls have hatched over the years, I would have to say that I may have had 5 eggs that were NOT fertile, and we're talking about A LOT of eggs over the years. So my toms are doing their job and doing a good job at that and the girls are spitting out fertile eggs.
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From what I understand of the Regal Reds, fertility isn't that great... I got that info from Kevin Porter (which is where my RR came from).
I haven't bred mine yet, that's just info that Kevin gave me (and one reason that he has the RR in limited quantities). From his site: The Regal Red genotype is (b1b1rr) Homozygous for Black winged bronze and red. Which means they breed true. There may be a pleiotropic effect when b1b1 and rr genes are combined as fertility & hatchability isn't too great in this variety,but once hatched they are as normal and viable as any other heritage turkey variety. They certainly are a challange to hatch but well worth the effort. http://www.porterturkeys.com/regalred.htm

That being said, they are amongst the most rare and could use some help to stay around...

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