Turkey questions - raising a TG turkey


6 Years
May 6, 2013
West Texas
Hey guys. I am wanting to raise a turkey for Thanksgiving. I realize I'm too late for this year, but when would be a good month to start for next year? What breed is best? I'm thinking about just getting a Tom and hen and raising a few babies. Any thoughts to help point me in the right direction? I appreciate any advice.
Hey guys. I am wanting to raise a turkey for Thanksgiving. I realize I'm too late for this year, but when would be a good month to start for next year? What breed is best? I'm thinking about just getting a Tom and hen and raising a few babies. Any thoughts to help point me in the right direction? I appreciate any advice.

Read this thread, it should answer most if not all of your questions.

Since your wanting babies I would assume that leans you toward a heritage breed turkey.

For them to reach full weight takes about 14 to 16 months old. But can be processed anytime.

So a good month would be anytime you want to start. You could pick up some adults as people thin down birds they don't want to overwinter. Pick up a few of this years hatch and have your breeders in the spring and they will be fully matured by thanksgiving.

As far as best breed not sure on that. I have palms, bourbon red, chocolates, and blue slates. Each has their own personality. I like them all.

Favorite is palms to me they are a beautiful bird. Smaller on body size.

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