Turkey Talk for 2014

THe old thread is closed-- I miss it already. THought I woudl have today to put in the last posts-- so I will do it here. What a great year we had in 2013 and I appreciate all the friends that I have made due to a wonderfully silly bird called the turkey.

Perhaps someone who made one of the last posts can put in a link to this now well established and happening thread?
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THe old thread is closed-- I miss it already. THought I woudl have today to put inthe lat posts-- so I wil do it here. What a great year we had in 2013 and I appreciate all the friends that I have made due to a wonderfully silly bird called the turkey.

Perhaps someone who made one of the last posts can putint a link to this now well established and happening thread?

The very last post on the 2013 thread has the link to this 2014 thread
I cant believe an entire year has passed already. It goes fast and it was a crazy year and gets crazier every day lol. Everytime I think Ive seen or dealt with it all something new pops up. And you all have been great helping everyone through all the rough times and new learning experiences. Im Thankful for all of you also.
I second Arielle's sentiment I am thankful for all the new friends and help I have gotten from everyone on the TURKEY thread! And 2013 has gone by so fast I can hardly believe it is nearly 2014 already!
Quote: Looks like the mod was willing to accommodate my request-- wasn't sure she would as I was not the OP. Yeah! THe chapter on 2013 has closed, and 2014 is getting well established.

I look at my birds and think of all the delicious roasts since late last summer, and realize I have more to roast over the winter. CUlling down is hard when there are too many varieties to pick from. I haven't found a turkey I don't like yet. My original goal of trying several was to find one that was the perfect fit-- the joke is on me-- they are all beautiful and all are delicious.

I am willing to give up the sweetgrass to a buyer but I can't put them in the soup pot.

THe bourbon reds are my first love.

THe narrigansetts are a breed historical to the area I live in.

THe auburns have an interesting history, being recreated at one of the universities a few years ago , then suddenly the flock dispersed. Again a bird maintained by enthusiasts.

I need to scale back. I can only eat so many turkeys in a year. Turkeys are more addictive than chickens!!
Looks like the mod was willing to accommodate my request-- wasn't sure she would as I was not the OP. Yeah! THe chapter on 2013 has closed, and 2014 is getting well established.

I look at my birds and think of all the delicious roasts since late last summer, and realize I have more to roast over the winter. CUlling down is hard when there are too many varieties to pick from. I haven't found a turkey I don't like yet. My original goal of trying several was to find one that was the perfect fit-- the joke is on me-- they are all beautiful and all are delicious.

I am willing to give up the sweetgrass to a buyer but I can't put them in the soup pot.

THe bourbon reds are my first love.

THe narrigansetts are a breed historical to the area I live in.

THe auburns have an interesting history, being recreated at one of the universities a few years ago , then suddenly the flock dispersed. Again a bird maintained by enthusiasts.

I need to scale back. I can only eat so many turkeys in a year. Turkeys are more addictive than chickens!!

Luckily for me Im more addicted to chickens, turkeys take up much more space lol. All those varieties you listed are beautiful turkeys. I have wanted to add a few more varieties to my flocks but decided to stick with just the Bourbons(I do love them) adding more varieties would just get me in heaps of trouble lol DH said no more coops allowed I already built way too many he says, bummer. But joke is on him, I need a new coop for the Silkies I have hatching in just 2 days lol. He was nice though and made me a brooder yesterday built into the new shelves he was building in the garage. He hates my addiction but unknowingly feeds it lol.
THe old thread is closed-- I miss it already. THought I woudl have today to put inthe lat posts-- so I wil do it here.  What a great year we had in 2013 and I appreciate all the friends that I have made due to a wonderfully silly bird called the turkey. 

Perhaps someone who made one of the last posts can putint a link to this now well established and happening thread?

The very last post on the 2013 thread has the link to this 2014 thread :thumbsup

Looks like the mod was willing to accommodate my request-- wasn't sure she would as I was not the OP. Yeah! THe chapter on 2013 has closed, and 2014 is getting well established. 

I look at my birds and think of all the delicious roasts since late last summer, and realize I have more to roast over the winter. CUlling down is hard when there are too many varieties to pick from. I haven't found a turkey I don't like yet.  My original goal of trying several was to find one that was the perfect fit-- the joke is on me-- they are all beautiful and all are delicious. 

I am willing to give up the sweetgrass to a buyer but I can't put them in the soup pot. 

THe bourbon reds are my first love.

THe narrigansetts are a breed historical to the area I live in.

THe auburns have an interesting history, being recreated at one of the universities a few years ago , then suddenly the flock dispersed. Again a bird maintained by enthusiasts. 

I need to scale back.  I can only eat so many turkeys in a year.  Turkeys are more addictive than chickens!!

My waterfowl flocks are getting cut WAY back this week before I move. All turkeys (6) are staying. I have a trio of blue slate & a trio of royal palms. Trying to decide if/how to separate them for breeding this year. With all mixed together I have 6 color possibilities in the hatchlings. If I separate them I will have 4 possibilities 1 way & 2 or 3 the other way. I thought about giving each tom a hen of each color to guarantee all 6 colors in the babies. Decisions, decisions! Then I looked at Porter's website & saw red slates, chocolate slates, red palms & chocolate palms. Now I want them ALL!!!!! Blue & lavender palms & lavender slates can be bred from my current trios.
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My waterfowl flocks are getting cut WAY back this week before I move. All turkeys (6) are staying. I have a trio of blue slate & a trio of royal palms. Trying to decide if/how to separate them for breeding this year. With all mixed together I have 6 color possibilities in the hatchlings. If I separate them I will have 4 possibilities 1 way & 2 or 3 the other way. I thought about giving each tom a hen of each color to guarantee all 6 colors in the babies. Decisions, decisions! Then I looked at Porter's website & saw red slates, chocolate slates, red palms & chocolate palms. Now I want them ALL!!!!! Blue & lavender palms & lavender slates can be bred from my current trios.
Only a few choices left on Porters site for this year. Looks like he cut back -- which is surprizing because he is the primary source of good birds. Wonder if URch has turkeys? Mr Reese does-- anyone have Reese birds?? ANy one ordering from Sand HIll??
Quote: My adventure all started with one chicken!!!! Still have her- she is a special pet: beloved but not picked up and coddled because she doen't tolerate handling. lol

I'm steering clear of silkies-- my kids love looking at the pics and exclaim how much they want them . . . . then fortunately forget about them quickly!! The line needs to be drawn somewhere, right??

We have one more coop to finish-- when I just asked about getting the last 2 posts in, DH went into thinking mods-- aka " no", lol. Will get the kids to help me-- we did the first posts, so we can do this.

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