Turkey with 3 feet!!!!

We are the ones who have tripod and basically she has been fine. The problems she has encountered is that her atrophied foot gets caught on stuff and she gets stuck, so we have to keep an eye on her. And her third leg kind of obstructs her vent and so she gets poop built up on her back feathers. She definitely needs a bath now and then. Other than that she is fine. Good luck!!
I wouldn't give up yet. There were a few posts that said they have seen/owned birds with the same ailment.

I'm sorry you have to deal with this. Whatever you choose to do, good luck!
So far so good! He doesn't seem to know that he's special...showed him his food and water and he dived right in. I guess I'll do what I can for him and see how it goes. He doesn't seem to be in any pain and is content to sit right by my keyboard. I can't cull him right now just because he's different. If I thought he was in pain I would without a doubt but he really seems like a good natured little trooper. We'll just take it day by day.......
I showed the little guy to my vet that primarily deals with livestock. He said that he'd never seen anything like this before and was absolutely no help. In fact, I think it made him uncomfortable and he couldn't get out of my house fast enough! Then I started thinking...how has a seasoned vet never seen a deformed animal before??? So, I've found a phone number to UNF vetrinarian services/research and development. I'll put in a call to them in the morning and see if they would like to have him. Hopefully he can be of some use to the future vetinarians of the world
I believe you ought to name the special little gal Trivet!

If we were all the same, life would be boring. You're a good mom to give her a chance.


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