Turkey With Swollen Cheeks-Please Help

The original picture could be of my Royal Palm last year! He wasnt growing as well as the others either...I gave him the ORAL form of Tylan50. It is a powder that you mix with their water. Cleared him right up. I have read that they are carriers for life once cured though and shouldnt be used for breeding. I cant tell the difference between him and his "brother" now! Good luck...Terri O
Is it a sexually transmitted disease? If I can't use him for breeding, can I eat him? This whole turkey thing is getting to be too complicated. My plan was to keep a few breeding pairs, but they're proving to be too much of a hassle.
hi, whenever any of my turkeys look puffy around the eyes i just put an aspirine in their waterer, and by morning they are perfectly fine. hope this helps.

Is it a sexually transmitted disease? If I can't use him for breeding, can I eat him? This whole turkey thing is getting to be too complicated. My plan was to keep a few breeding pairs, but they're proving to be too much of a hassle.

If it's a virus, it can be passed through the egg IF it's Mycoplasmosis and maybe Avian Influenza. There could be other causes that aren't passed down, I really couldn't tell you since I am not a vet. I was just talking to a Vet Tech today and she told me that they aren't sure if AI can be passed through the egg which is why I said 'maybe'. You can always check with your state ag folks and see what would be involved with testing for Mycoplasmosis and AI, some states do it for free.
Well the tetracycline doesn't seem to be working. I'm trying to find some Tylan in the area. Seems people don't keep it in stock and it has to be ordered. He still is feeling normal, eating and drinking fine.
Keep a close eye on it, if it solidifies it will need to be cut out (there is an excellent post on that by Yoda over in the peafowl section). I hope he gets better soon!
Sorry to hear that. Do you have a Tractor Supply in your area? They usually have it in stock. Most feed stores should have it as well.

There is, but they only have the Tylan 200, they don't know when the Tylan 50 will be back in stock. I may just get the meds from the vet.

Thanks Frosty, hopefully it won't solidify.

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