Turkey With Swollen Cheeks-Please Help

Well, I'd just rather not spend $30 on a 250 mL bottle. I'd never use it all before it went bad. If I get it from the vet I can get exactly what i need. So do you think I should drain the sinuses w/ a syringe now? Will an 18 guage needle work?
I have done it with 18g, yes. I sit on the floor and hold the bird between my knees (I have done this three times in 10 years) I hold the head in one hand and insert the needle into the swollen area, Amazingly enough, once the needle was in they held very still (probably afraid to move or it would rip their face open). It's very slow going, you'll just be pulling the plunger in small increments. You'll feel the suction, then you'll know what I mean. It's like trying to suck glue.

Good luck, I hope it works out!

Editing to add - the last one I did was on a very young peacock back in 2008. Of course his sinus swelled up when a blizzard hit, and the only Tylan I had was expired. Like 2 years expired. I was desperate and used it, it still worked.
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Well, the vet doesn't have Tylan either.
Guess I'll drain them tonight (or attempt to, if they're not hardened already) and order the Tylan. Hopefully it'll get here quickly!

This winter I had a turkey hen with the same sinus issue. After using Tylan powder in the water the swelling went away but returned after a week. Then I did the Tylan 50 shots under the skin, switching injection sites each time from one breast to the other. She seemed all healed after the treatment. About a month later one sinus swelled back up. I read about the injection into the sinus in the peafowl section and decided to give it a try. About four days after the injection into the sinus she looked normal again. None of my other turkeys have ever came down with the same problem and she is now a happy mother of 15.

Hopefully you can find the Tylan soon and get him feeling better.
Well, I drained him tonight. The right one had about 3 cc of fluid, and the left had about 2.5. The left one filled back up a little after I drained it, so I tried to drain it again and didn't get anything. I'll try again tomorrow if needed. I was amazed at how still he stayed! And his GF stayed right next to him, making sure I wasn't hurting him.
I'm happy to hear that it hadn't solidified. And I would think that getting the pressure off, even temporarily. has to be a relief for the turkey.

I am always amazed at how still they stay when I do that, even flighty birds. I like to think that they know we are trying to help but I doubt that is the case. I have heard that when a horse is attacked, they move into the attack to minimize damage (moving away from it causes more tears). It's probably the same concept.

I have seen some cases where once pus is drained from a wound it heals, maybe you'll get lucky and that will be the case? Keep an eye on it. The one side that swelled a bit again could have been a little tissue swelling which could go back down in the next day or two. If the swelling is gone before you can get Tylan, I wouldn't worry about giving him any. The Tylan is to fight the infection causing the swelling. With the gunk removed his immune system might have a chance to fight it off. And 5.5 cc of turkey snot is really good for grossing people out!
Now that's a pic I REALLY would like to see.

If I ever have to do one again, I'll just mail you the snot
If it's legal to mail snot? I know scabs are illegal to mail, hmmm...

Somebody call USPS and ask if it would be legal for everybody to mail turkey bugers to kuntrygirl!
Now that's a pic I REALLY would like to see.

If I ever have to do one again, I'll just mail you the snot
If it's legal to mail snot? I know scabs are illegal to mail, hmmm...

Somebody call USPS and ask if it would be legal for everybody to mail turkey bugers to kuntrygirl!





Seriously though, I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, enjoy looking at that kinda stuff. I think it's so cool. Send me everything ya got.

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