Turkeys Dying

Is it safe to eat turkeys treated for BH with Fish-zone or API general cure?

Good luck finding that out... It's a product made for fish, not turkeys, so I doubt you'll find any official studies on it.

All you can do is take a guess, and gamble your health. Well, I don't really advise that. Personally I would not eat an animal that became sick enough to need treatment, never mind one that received artificial treatments.

I have no idea what 'API general cure' is, sorry, but highly doubt that's safe either. Might be worth googling those words.

Best wishes.
OOOOOHHHH yuk that is not good. I got one now is 5 weeks old which is a Black Winged Bronze I love this little guy I am going to do what ever I can to not loose him too. thank you I hope things go well for you as well
Hi Tony, I called UNH Today and it was almost $75. For the test.
I have been feeding them regular layer pellets.
They had dark black runny stool today after first Fishzole treatment
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Hi Tony, I called UNH Today and it was almost $75. For the test.
I have been feeding them regular layer pellets.
They had dark black runny stool today after first Fishzole treatment

What test, specifically? For that price you should be getting about a dozen tests run at once. There's people on this forum in your country that get dozens of tests run on every specimen for under $40.

About the feed, only layers should be on layer pellets, it can and does cause liver and heart disease and failure (and of course death) in birds that are not laying, or are male or of other species.

Best wishes.
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The test was:
$40. For the post
$30. For culture for blackhead

What should I be feeding them?

Something specifically formulated for their species is best, but many grower feeds are applicable across the board for a few species.

It should say somewhere on the bag that it's indicated for certain species, within certain age groups, intended for certain purposes, i.e. you feed future layers different feeds than future meat birds.

Different breeds have different needs, as well.

If you're getting a preprocessed mix that doesn't clearly indicate what it's intended for, or what nutrient levels it's expected to have, this can be much more difficult, in which case it can help to look up the basic nutrient levels and types the species, age, and breed needs, and calculate your own formula and premix it yourself from separately purchased ingredients. Plenty of people do that, I used to in the past and intend to again... But it is quite a hassle for some. If it's too much trouble for you, it may well be worth the potential bother of finding a specifically turkey-food mix.

Layer pellets are best only fed to layers; sometimes you get away with feeding it to non layers for long periods of time but plenty of people also don't get away with it, and suffer losses and general disease.

As for the test cost... Might be worth it, but if you're going to the bother to send off a corpse for testing, personally I'd want to know what it IS, not just what it ISN'T --- are you going to get that sort of info from them? Some kind of general diagnostic testing rather than just testing for one single disease may be better, but I don't know how accessible this may be to you.

Anyway, best wishes with it all.

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