Turn around for Nutri Drench ::UPDATE:: Can hens have allergies?

Yes. She was in the yard this morning walking around more than she has been, but this afternoon she decided to take a nap in the daffodils. Her cuteness is ridiculous. I sat there and watched her nip at the dew on the grass when she was thirsty. adorable. Maybe I should rename her Opal of the Seven Seas!
That would be great! SHE SOUNDS ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!!!I have a dog named calypso after the character from pirates of the Caribbean! She is a big dumb great Dane! LOL
Blah I just noticed that her nose has started to run again and she had a bubble in her eye! I cant catch a break geez. I wonder if maybe she has some kind of outdoor allergy? Anywho I put her on tylan again, but this time I think I will pair it with the nutri drench... so frustrating... I am also dealing with a broody hen and a sour crop... yay

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