Turning a shed into a coop.

Under the ramp is where their food and water will go.

Looking good. Looks like the ramp dead ends into the wall, if that's the case they won't use the lower part of the ramp. You might shorten it a couple of feet and put a landing they can fly down and up to. My pullets just fly down to the floor for the most part. My 3 year old hens both fly down and walk down then hop off, depends on their mood. I've never put a cleat on a ramp...

I put steps in the new coop but the pullets for now prefer to fly down.

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@aart @jthornton Thank you both for the ideas. It does dead end into the wall and I was a bit concerned about that. A landing might be the solution. I am moving them in today and I will see how they do with it as is. Taking the ramp off and shortening it and adding a landing will be a quick fix if needed.
Question, My floor of the coop is built with the same type of wood as seen in @jthornton coop walls, Should I paint it or cover it with some sort of flooring so they don't get slivers in their feet when scratching around?
Who needs cleats when you have steps!!

My first ramp had no cleats at all...

After some modification still no cleats, just a few saw cuts about 1/8" deep and I don't even thing they need that.

If the ramp is so steep like a ladder I can see that cleats would be needed so they could hop from cleat to cleat if they can no longer fly up and down.

Question, My floor of the coop is built with the same type of wood as seen in @jthornton coop walls, Should I paint it or cover it with some sort of flooring so they don't get slivers in their feet when scratching around?

I have pine chips about 4"-6" deep in the coop that has a floor.

OSB in my experience when a chip comes loose for whatever reason it's pretty soft and pliable. Also chickens have dinosaur armor plated feet... mine scratch holes in the rocky dirt we have.


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