Turning eggs


7 Years
Mar 12, 2017
North Alabama
I took the auto turner out of my mini incubator, planning on turning them myself, but now I have questions! I read something about turning angles that has me worried. Is the turning angle super - important? What if my angle is wrong? And must they be turned at night? I didn't think about that last night. But I think they'll be OK cuz it was only day 1. Any insight would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!


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I don't think turning angle is extremely important. If you think about it, a hen just turns, she doesn't know the angle. She does however turn them around the clock and more frequently the first week of incubation. 3 or 4 times a day is sufficient but the more the better.
Why did you take the turner out?
Hand turning gets old pretty fast.
I hatch shipped eggs quite often and I do number mine so I can keep track of which shippers eggs hatch and whose didn't. Good luck with your hatch.

Good idea. These are my first shipped eggs! I waited a really long time and tried my best to find what I wanted local, but it didn't happen. They got here just fine tho. I feel like we're already bonding whenever I turn them.
I believe turning angle is in reference to using an upright turner, or incubating in egg cartons. FWIW, I have heard that you should not always turn eggs in the same direction. ie: turn clock wise, then counter clockwise the next time. This is to prevent stress on the chalazae. I wonder if this is one of those "they said" old wive's tales???
Probably old wives' tale. I don't think a hen does it that way. I don't think it would hurt to rotate more or less from time to time (like a hen does) so it isn't just a 180 degree turn to the same point each time.
Regardless of how you do it, what matters most is frequency of turning. Much more frequency during the first week is key.
I number my eggs also, and may even jot a note on them when they are candled.
I number my eggs. The number goes in a notebook with the date laid, egg weight,flock and rooster number (hen number if I have it), then use pedigree bags to group them by the same flock/parentage. Egg weight is used (among other things) to track weight loss during incubation.
What do you use to mark them? Pencil, marker, wax pencil.......
I use an ultra fine black sharpie. When I hatched lighter eggs I used pencil but it doesn't show up on these.

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