Tv stand to Rooster house :) LARGE PICS!!

Only since being at this site have i realised how much quarantine would help.. But because it took me getting a new "unknown" bird for me to come to this site i found out a little late..

Just to make it simple to understand .. by quarantine you mean keep them in a completely different area and in no contact with other birds??
Wont being in the same run but not touching not help.. is there that much that can kill through air transfer ?

At the time of getting this bird there was no way i could have kept in a separate place for 30 days ..unless it was a cardboard box ... It wasnt planned or anything it just happened

At the minute I only have the 4 birds .. yes i love them like they were my children .. but if they all were to die because of this .. I would take it as a lesson learned ..and never take in a "stray" again (because in reality thats what he is )
Im praying the worst case wont happen because i have really taken to Magnum..especially spending the day with him while building this "box" .. Im hoping he becomes the leader and the start of my new flock .. (babies on my mind)

As for all the compliments on my building skills ... a BIG Thanks .. I really do appreciate comments from people who are genuinely not being sarcastic.. Its ok to get " o that's good " from strangers ..but from people like yourselves who know chickens and what love goes into them is a different story..
As you can probably tell im not a trained carpenter i just needed to solve a problem .. (that's what im good at ) and that's what ive done ..

Im just thinking what can i convert next lol ..

Thanks again ..and im sure ill be around these boards for a long time ..


(ps: didn't plan on that post being that long and in-depth lol
You did a great job! I like the way you added the plastic so light can shine inside.
It's a cozy little coop for that handsome rooster.
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I think that old saying, "Necessity is the mother of invention" is very applicable here. Great job. I discovered that if I refresh my page, your pics become normal size.
Cute! It looks like those girls are seeing if that would make a nice nest box.
It's hard to tell from the pics, is Mangum a SLW? If he is, he may be a very nice roo, like my boy is. I always have to say that mine is a lover, not a fighter.
Yes i believe he is a slw .. If you look at the thread in the what breeds section called SLW? Red sussex you will see better pics of him ..
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I love your coop and Rooster.

I am a person who likes to create a coop from junk/recycle or what ever I can find. I always have my eye open and build a coop in my mind, as I look at yard sales and CL for just such stuff.

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