Tween Chicks

I am not any good at guessing what breed chicks are, but there are lots of people here that are so I wanted to get your post back up where, hopefully, someone will see it and be able to give you some ideas.

With thousands of posts sometimes these things get lost for a bit.

Edited to add: You may want to change your title to ask for help in IDing chicks. That will let people know what your post is about.
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You definitely have some EE's and maybe some Black Australorps.
It might help to have it in the right forum as well. There is a 'what breed or gender is this?' forum, that would be more appropriate for this question. That being said, I can't help either
hope someone comes along that knows more.
In the second pic, the black and white chick with the black legs looks like an austrolorp. In the same pic, the chick by the waterer with the really pale legs looks like a buff orpington. IMHO

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