Twin Chicks Double yolk

One off the double yolks has a pic of the candling I few posts up. The large one next to the darker egg we believe is a triple yolk. I am not able to get a pic of the candling of the triple just yet because it has not been in incubation long enough for the yolks to be dark enough for my phone camera to pick up.

Oops thank you though! :)
The Derbyshire Redcap! 6 pound females, 7 1/2 pound males and 3" huge rosecombs. Bet we'd never find them in the U.S.:-( In those times folks took lots of pride in their livestock. (Sorry, totally not double chick related)
Good luck with your double yolks
I had two in my last attempt to hatch (long story but temp spike over 106 on day 15 killed the last four). Neither made it past day 10.

Day 2

Veins on both sides day 5
I set a double once by accident. I didn't know it until I candled. I left it out of curiosity. One developed, the other didn't. One hatched with only minor assistance, but he was covered in gooey egg yolk that for the life of me I couldn't wash off. He didn't make it. I'm not sure about the post saying one embryo will consume both yolks. That is not what I observed, but I only had the one experience.

Looks like we've lost A,B,1 and 3. Unsure about 2 but not keeping my hopes up on that one.

So far we have a new single a double and what looks to be a triple left in the incubator.
lol ty

I wish we hadn't had the spike but it is what it is and my little guy and I are wanting to try again. This will possibly be our last batch for the next few months and i really want it to work. This coming spring We are hoping to hatch frizzles and silkies.


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