Twisted toes - 15wk cockerel


May 30, 2021
Eastern WA
Not an emergency though it determines ultimate food status of our little guy. About three weeks ago I noticed our Easter Egger cockerel had slightly odd toes. When we came back from vacation they had gotten more pronounced. What would cause this? Is it genetic defect or a physical injury? He walks without noticable pain though he does have a harder time jumping down from the hay bales so I've noticed he doesn't spend as much time on them anymore.

Crooked toes vs. Curled toes. Your fella has Crooked Toes!

It would be hard to know if it's genetic or an incubation issue.
Sounds like they may get worse in time, but it's possible the toes will stabilize.

You mention food status for him, so I assume you have others to choose from. I'd still monitor him until that time comes. Having a bit of difficulty navigating/jumping down, etc. may be a sign of future issues or his condition getting worse.
This can be caused by a Deficiency, genetics, or possibly injury, & or incubator problems.
Looks like a deficiency though, since I've had this happen to a couple younger birds in the past. Started when they were about a week, or 3½ weeks of age.
Happens more often in cockerels, then pullets for some reason though. Here's my first Sumatra rooster.
Crooked toes vs. Curled toes. Your fella has Crooked Toes!

It would be hard to know if it's genetic or an incubation issue.
Sounds like they may get worse in time, but it's possible the toes will stabilize.

You mention food status for him, so I assume you have others to choose from. I'd still monitor him until that time comes. Having a bit of difficulty navigating/jumping down, etc. may be a sign of future issues or his condition getting worse.
Thanks for the clarification. He has a great personality so far and the family really likes him. I was planning on keeping him with the laying flock as he's not the right breed for my project. We have 10 total boys to work with so there's other options.
This can be caused by a Deficiency, genetics, or possibly injury, & or incubator problems.
Looks like a deficiency though, since I've had this happen to a couple younger birds in the past. Started when they were about a week, or 3½ weeks of age.
Happens more often in cockerels, then pullets for some reason though. Here's my first Sumatra rooster.
I'll have to go back and look at some earlier photos on my hard drive to see what he looked like at younger age. What would you think as the deficiency? He's the only one out of 31 chicks.
Following. I have a male Dominique who has 2 toes doing the same thing. His toes have been straight up until about 3 weeks ago. He doesn't act like it hurts him and still jumps up and off things. I also noticed it's about the time he went outdoors.
Thanks for the clarification. He has a great personality so far and the family really likes him. I was planning on keeping him with the laying flock as he's not the right breed for my project. We have 10 total boys to work with so there's other options.

I'll have to go back and look at some earlier photos on my hard drive to see what he looked like at younger age. What would you think as the deficiency? He's the only one out of 31 chicks.
Remembering the deficiency that causes this is hard for me. I've seen it mentioned a few times, but for some reason memorizing it, is a fail.
Thanks for the clarification. He has a great personality so far and the family really likes him. I was planning on keeping him with the laying flock as he's not the right breed for my project. We have 10 total boys to work with so there's other options.
LOL At 15wks most cockerels have a great personality. Hard to judge anything at that age, period.

Parent stock nutrition can affect chicks of course. Curled toes in chicks are usually due to Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) deficiency. If the roosters and hens are getting a nutritionally balanced feed without a lot of extras, then generally there shouldn't be that many issues.
Curled toes are usually seen and corrected at hatch by taping the feet flat and giving B2.

Crooked toes which can be genetic, due to poor hatch, etc. etc. is usually progresses as the chicks age. Even if toes are taped early on, they usually cannot be corrected just like most deformities.

If you like the fella, really like him, then monitor his progress. If he warrants being kept longer, then plan for that, but keep a back up of equal or greater quality. Try a hatch from his breeding and see if the issue is passed along to his offspring.
LOL At 15wks most cockerels have a great personality. Hard to judge anything at that age, period.

Parent stock nutrition can affect chicks of course. Curled toes in chicks are usually due to Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) deficiency. If the roosters and hens are getting a nutritionally balanced feed without a lot of extras, then generally there shouldn't be that many issues.
Curled toes are usually seen and corrected at hatch by taping the feet flat and giving B2.

Crooked toes which can be genetic, due to poor hatch, etc. etc. is usually progresses as the chicks age. Even if toes are taped early on, they usually cannot be corrected just like most deformities.

If you like the fella, really like him, then monitor his progress. If he warrants being kept longer, then plan for that, but keep a back up of equal or greater quality. Try a hatch from his breeding and see if the issue is passed along to his offspring.
Thanks for the info, I figured at this age we only have one jerk out of ten so it's likely they haven't all hit "that age" yet. ;)

I looked at earlier photos and didn't see anything noticeable as a chick so it's something that's just gotten worse. Since he's the only one out of 31 showing any signs I don't think it's a feed thing so I'll assume genetic or poor hatch.

Hubby really likes him. I'm ambivalent so it's easier for me. I'm already trying to pick out just three Ameraucana cockerels so an extra EE wasn't in my plans exactly. But hubby...

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