
Mar 15, 2022
Hi there!đź‘‹

I have two, 2 year old hens whom I raised together and have always been fine, even friendly with each other, until about 2 weeks ago. My Buff Orpington had gotten a head injury and I had to isolate her for about 2 weeks while it healed. I had her in a separate coop but still in the yard, so she could still be around the other hens.

Now, after she had healed I let her out and her flock buddy since chicks (Easter Egger) was very aggressive towards her. But this went both ways, MJ (the Orbington) also showed aggression and their fight weren’t just little pecking order adjustments. Their feathers would raise, their necks would go up, their wattles turn red, and the would peck and pull and rip and legit ATTACK each other.

Currently I have one always separated when I’m not out there, and I try to swap them every day so they don’t get over stressed. When I am out there I monitor and keep fights from occurring (so tiring and time consuming) 🙄 I love my girls so very much and re-homing seems unthinkable…

I’ve heard of letting them just fight it out, but I tried that, and it seemed to get ugly, so I ended it.

Any suggestions or what’s worked for you would be so helpful. Thank you.
Do let them fight it out, but do it in a large space. You could get a big squirt gun, and shoot it at them a couple of times, to kind of break it up, as they are going to it. Every time you separate them, you are back to square one. So pick a day or two, where you can monitor them, with the gun, and see if it does not settle down.
@Mrs. K

Thank you so very much for your tips, I actually have some very wonderful news.

This morning I went to let them out and decided instead of feeding them separately to just let everyone out together and see what happened. Well they fought, but for less then 1 minute. My leader hen and another girl broke it up, and they went their separate ways, I have witnessed two fights since then and they have never gone over a minute or so. My leader hen doesn’t put up with their lameness, and ends it quickly. When I last checked on them they were all hanging out in the shaded coop together with my other girls enjoying summer.

Happy Saturday

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