Announcement Two New BYC Moderators for 2021!!

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BYC Staff
17 Years
Dec 26, 2006
California - SF East Bay
My Coop
My Coop
We're VERY excited to announce and welcome members of our amazing community to our moderator team!

Over the years, our team has refined the process of choosing new moderators. BYC has so many wonderful members from which to choose that it makes the process challenging! The process includes the existing team of moderators submitting names and narrowing down to a handful of members that we then keep a closer eye. We look for members that are passionate about our community, extremely helpful, and have shown a very consistent level-head.

Next, we send them an email and ask them if they would be interested in joining our moderation team. If they are interested, we then ask them a litany of questions to make sure they are on the same page with our rules, moderation policy, and everything else that is asked of them. We want to make sure our new moderators can live-up to the incredible examples set by our existing and previous team-members!

Well, we're super happy and glad that they accepted the invitation and passed our rigorous testing!

Please join me in congratulating these fantastic peeps to our moderation team!
We're VERY excited to announce and welcome members of our amazing community to our moderator team!

Over the years, our team has refined the process of choosing new moderators. BYC has so many wonderful members from which to choose that it makes the process challenging! The process includes the existing team of moderators submitting names and narrowing down to a handful of members that we then keep a closer eye. We look for members that are passionate about our community, extremely helpful, and have shown a very consistent level-head.

Next, we send them an email and ask them if they would be interested in joining our moderation team. If they are interested, we then ask them a litany of questions to make sure they are on the same page with our rules, moderation policy, and everything else that is asked of them. We want to make sure our new moderators can live-up to the incredible examples set by our existing and previous team-members!

Well, we're super happy and glad that they accepted the invitation and passed our rigorous testing!

Please join me in congratulating these fantastic peeps to our moderation team!
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