Two Questionable Austrolorps


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 29, 2011
So I think I picked out all hens but now I'm second guessing myself. These two BA's have really big combs and wattles compared to my third BA. No crowing but some definite grumblings that almost sound like an attempt at crowing. These are my first chickens so I don't really know what 'hen crowing' sounds like. They are 17--18 weeks old. (I actually got the first egg today! It was the Buff Orpington and I've never had any doubts that she was a she.) How obvious would it be at this age if I had a sneaky roo? Pics are below. I know which is which in the pics. Thanks so much!

My two suspicious ladies are in the back. I'm pretty sure of the barred rock because she seems to have more black than white. Not the greatest picture, I know.

Here is Bunny. She shook her head at just the wrong time I guess. And there is Nacho's yellow butt in the foreground. Yay Nacho! The only egg layer thus far!

There's Pot Pie with her huge wattles.

Seems like most of my pictures didn't come out so well. I will take and post more if folks seem to think they may not be hens.
Thanks for the input and the link. I'm so pleased to hear that folks think they are all hens. I picked these 5 out of a hatch of 16, based on leg size and how fast they were feathering out (thanks to the forum for info on how to do that!) Honestly, 5 was more than I wanted but I figured I would have messed up and chosen at least one boy.
Hooray! We got 1 egg already and yesterday two more of them started going in and out of the nests to push around the bedding in there. Fingers crosses for more eggs today!

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