two questions

Well, I woke up this morning and was hoping to see a bunch of chicks in my incubator. Unfortunately there were none. Things aren't looking good. Today is day 25. I am going to give them another day or two. But my gut is telling me, no more chicks will come this hatch. I don't hear any chirping.

All well. I am not sure what went wrong...I have been doing this a few years now and have always had amazing results. Maybe it was just a bad batch of eggs (at least that is what I will tell my students today!).

I will keep you updated if anymore arrive. Thanks for all the positive comments...they were appreciated!

These things happen. If these were shipped eggs and mistreated along the way, or they came from a bad source, your hatch rate will decline. At least you got a couple to hatch out. :)
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