two questions

#2 is out...not sure it will make it...was a rough hatch. It struggled for a long time. A bit of red blood was by its belly when it finally pushed out. It is resting ... not a lot of movement like the other one. I am hoping it is just exhausted and will be okay. Time will tell.

Okay 2 down...42 to go. lol. :)
Hello (again).

THought I would give an update...I have five perfect little chicks
and two more on the way. #2 did make it and is thriving...I think he must have exhausted himself hatching and that's why he looked so bad right after hatch.

I am hoping to see a lot more hatch today.

Thanks for all who offered friendly words of advice...this is a GREAT forum!!

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Wow! I only have 1 Bobwhite egg in this batch :) I hope I get lucky with it!
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I really do hope a bunch more hatch out for you in the next 24 hours. How about a few pics? Good luck and welcome to the Quail forum.
I will take some pictures.

I have seven great little chicks. No piping on any of the other eggs
. Is there a chance that others may hatch? Today is day 24. We have 7 classroom housing quails...I was hoping to at least have two quails per room.

Hoping for the best...send positive vibes my way please! :)
Keep the incubator running for a couple of days. This is only day 24 and Bobs can hatch as late as day 26. :)
Thanks TwoCrows.
Last year I had 52 eggs...48 hatched within 24 hours of each other. It has been colder here on Long Island..wondering if that has something to do with it.


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