TWO RIR's? Pullets and/or Cockereals????


7 Years
Apr 28, 2012
Brockville, On
These are my two Rhode Island Reds, I think one is a pullet (first pics) and the other is a cockereal (secound pics). The girl is much cakmer and nicer. I can pick her up and pet her withoput any problems. Where as the other one is a feisty little guy.

I think this is a pullet becuase it is smaller framed, has a rounder head, smaller comb, yellower comb and its legs are less think and shorter. What would you say?

This I think is the cockereal becuase as you can see it has a larger and more redened comb and a less rounded head then the other one. You can sort of see the difference in the legs from the top and bottom pic.
Those are not RIR. They look to be red sex link, by those standards, both should be girls.
For you to see the difference: My RIR on the left - Red Sex Link on the right.
RIR behind the Buff Orpington
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They look to me like their RIR's. What makes you say they aren't? They are only about 5-7 weeks anyway.
Did you not see the pictures I posted above? Female Plumage Head lustrous rich dark red. Hackle: lustrous, rich dark red, with slight ticking of black, confined to tips of lower neck feathers. Front of neck, thighs and fluff: rich dark red. breast, back and body: lustrous, rich dark red. Main tail: lustrous greenish black. Wings: bow, fronts, coverts, primaries and secondaries identical to those of the male. Undercolour: rich intense red. General surface colour: lustrous, rich, dark r ed except where black is specified, even in all sections and free from shafting. In both sexes: Comb, face, wattles and ear-lobes bright red. Beak red horn. Eyes reddish bay. Shanks and toes: rich yellow tinged with reddish horn.
Here is my girl.
I think the difference is easy to distinguish when you compare..
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