Two weeks old already!

Looking good, the first night is the hardest on us.

I peeked in one them after dark and some were sleeping on the floor and where I have boards blocking off the nesting boxes the others decided to sleep on the edges of them roosting instead of using the roost. I felt better knowing they were quiet and not freaking out but my pug Rocco on the other hand isn't coping so well with them not in the house. He is thrown off by not hearing them acting lost and lonely. He won't settle down and go to sleep with us like normal. Guess in the morning I've gotta take him to visit the chickens to show him we still have them. Lol And to think I was worried about the chickens and myself, and it is the dog that's missing them like crazy! Haha
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I peeked in one them after dark and some were sleeping on the floor and where I have boards blocking off the nesting boxes the others decided to sleep on the edges of them roosting instead of using the roost. I felt better knowing they were quiet and not freaking out but my pug Rocco on the other hand isn't coping so well with them not in the house. He is thrown off by not hearing them acting lost and lonely. He won't settle down and go to sleep with us like normal. Guess in the morning I've gotta take him to visit the chickens to show him we still have them. Lol And to think I was worried about the chickens and myself, and it is the dog that's missing them like crazy! Haha
Rocco sounds like a sweetie! My late dog was always really jealous of the feathered pets and was never allowed around them as a result.
How are they doing a few days in? Ours had 10 mins in their outdoor run yesterday while I cleaned out their crate. Was a bit blowy so I didn't keep them out long. We have two beagles...that will be interesting! Can't get over how big our's are getting.
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How are they doing a few days in? Ours had 10 mins in their outdoor run yesterday while I cleaned out their crate. Was a bit blowy so I didn't keep them out long. We have two beagles...that will be interesting! Can't get over how big our's are getting.

They are doing great! They are still confined to the coop where the run isn't done. They are investigating all over the coop. Still aren't using the roost at night but when I peeked in last night a few were roosting on the edge of the poop board by the ramp, some on the edges of the nesting boxes where they can't get in them and some on the floor. I'm guessing eventually they will go to their roost. I have been working with them when bedtime gets close I go in my door with some treats so hopefully when they do go in their run they will come when called for their treats to be shut in for the night. It's funny how fast they grow. But alot of fun Seeing them grow and start new things. Rocco has got better even though I have to take him to the coop to see them for a few minutes everyday. Haha
Rocco sounds like a sweetie! My late dog was always really jealous of the feathered pets and was never allowed around them as a result. 

He is a sweetie! He got really attached to one of the chickens that I had to separate when they were 3 weeks old cause the others would peck her in her ear and then by the time she was all good to go back in they were getting crowded in their brooder so I kept her in her own cage next to theirs even though they couldn't see each other. when I first took her out she would chirp alot cause she was lonely so Rocco would go lay by her cage till she fell asleep for a few days then she was fine after that. He was never allowed in the room when we were cleaning them cause where pugs are bug eyed I didn't dare chancing him getting pecked in the eye but he still grew very attached to them. But that one chick did go right back into the flock when they went to the coop and they are doing great together.
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