Two weeks old already!

Getting brave now!
I wish my dogs and chicks could be friends, but I think it's a step too far really!

adorable!!!!! I will have to see if I can find some pics of mine when they were smaller.
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Here's a couple. One sunbathing under the heat lamp and the other is sleeping on my fiancé. She had blue cheeks from putting blu kote on her to heal from being pecked by her ear.Her name is Mimi like the girl from the Drew Carey show with the bright blue eye shadow.

Here's a couple. One sunbathing under the heat lamp and the other is sleeping on my fiancé. She had blue cheeks from putting blu kote on her to heal from being pecked by her ear.Her name is Mimi like the girl from the Drew Carey show with the bright blue eye shadow.

Awww!! She looks so relaxed...
Omg have yours grown! I kinda forgot how fast mine grew. Haha Mine are doing great. Still not in their run yet. Got most of it done yesterday but then the heat and sun was getting to me so decided we'd finish it today. But of course woke up and it's been raining. They have figured out when they hear me coming to the coop and open the door they come running knowing I have a treat. Morning they get a little treat of corn and dried meal worms and then I've been trying to get them in the habit knowing before bedtime I shake the bag and they know the treats are there. So hopefully when they go to the run they will run in knowing about corn and meal worms. Haha They are getting more loving and want to socialize with me. Which I am very happy about. When are yours going out to the coop? I don't know how the weather is in the UK.
Omg have yours grown! I kinda forgot how fast mine grew. Haha Mine are doing great. Still not in their run yet. Got most of it done yesterday but then the heat and sun was getting to me so decided we'd finish it today. But of course woke up and it's been raining. They have figured out when they hear me coming to the coop and open the door they come running knowing I have a treat. Morning they get a little treat of corn and dried meal worms and then I've been trying to get them in the habit knowing before bedtime I shake the bag and they know the treats are there. So hopefully when they go to the run they will run in knowing about corn and meal worms. Haha They are getting more loving and want to socialize with me. Which I am very happy about. When are yours going out to the coop? I don't know how the weather is in the UK.
Sounds like they are doing really well. Is their run going to be big? I'm a bit worried ours will be a bit small. I think I'd like to start mine on a mealworm treat. Do you think that would be ok? Weather is terrible here at the moment, much colder than it normally would be for this time of year - it'll get up to about 53/54 today and drop to about 46 overnight and plenty of rain! They'll be in the house for a few more weeks yet.x
I don't know why it wouldn't be. But I'd ask others in the group. Mine were kinda sheltered haha Just make sure they have grit available. I'm a chicken newbie also. My run is going to be 8x14 which will be more then recommended for the run space per chicken. The weather here in Maine was beautiful but yesterday it cooled down to the 50's and a real cold rain and gonna be here for a few days. It was cold in the coop yesterday and the girls acted a little cold so I put their windows back on since they wind was really cold. I'm pretty sure I have spoiled chickens. What does your coop and run look like?
I'll ask about the meal worm. Our coop is a bought one. I wish we had the time to build one. I don't think it'll be big enough. It fits with the 'guidelines' just feels small. This is ours, have you got a photo of yours?x
Beautiful coop! I think they will fine. You could always add onto the run if you decided too. My coop is rustic, used the wood from my horse barn. I have some pics of the inside. I will take some of the outside tomorrow when it's light out and of the girls enjoying it.


don't mind the pieces of boards in the nesting boxes. I had to block them off somehow so stuck them in there.

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