Two wild birds both with different leg injuries. Need help!


Sep 5, 2021
Northwest Washington, USA (near Seattle)
We are in Hawaii right now and I have found a wild chicken with an I-don’t-even know-how injured leg that she can’t walk on. What should I do? I can’t catch her and bring her inside because my family wouldn’t allow it but I have been able to give her bread crumbs quite often. I named her Pixar the 2nd after @TundraFang ’s Pixar because she is black.
Here’s a pic of Pixar the 2nd:

The foot appears to be somewhat dried up. I’m not sure at all what’s wrong with it but I will try to get better photos next time we go to that beach.

Next I found a pigeon with string foot that I also can’t catch even just to unwind the string because it’s too scared of me. I don’t have any pics but it looks pretty bad. @RoostersAreAwesome I know you have some experience with this. Any ideas? Again I will be getting pics ASAP.

Try to catch the pigeon with a net or something similar. Then cut off the string with a nail clipper as best you can to be able to take off the leg. The string may have grown into the leg flesh, so it may become challenging, but still possible. If most of the string is cut thru, and even if not removed at present time,,, ,,, if it is cut, it may work its way out eventually.

Not much you can do for feral chicken with dried up leg. Just try to offer feed/nutrition,,, and your reward will be the Love Vibes:love she send in return.
For the hen, there may be a local organization that helps wildlife or even chickens specifically that could catch the hen or take her if you’re able to catch her.

Is the pigeon alone or with a flock? How big is the flock? How close does the pigeon let you get to it? Does it seem hungry or food motivated at all? There are a few different methods of catching if you aren’t able to get too close.
Thanks so much everyone for the responses.
For the hen, there may be a local organization that helps wildlife or even chickens specifically that could catch the hen or take her if you’re able to catch her.

Is the pigeon alone or with a flock? How big is the flock? How close does the pigeon let you get to it? Does it seem hungry or food motivated at all? There are a few different methods of catching if you aren’t able to get too close.
We weren’t with the pigeon that much but it seemed like it had 1-2 others with it. Generally from what I’ve seen of the “beach pigeons” there’s just a lot of them and they only hang out in specific flocks in the sky. There was also a little kid poking the poor thing with a stick and chasing it. It seemed pretty timid of me. I bet people pick on the pigeons at that beach more than at the beach I go to normally. It wouldn’t let catch it with my method that I’ve used in the past (which is dig a hole in the sand and then put food in the hole and when the pigeon goes in the hole put a towel over the hole and scoop it out) It’s definitely very food motivated though.

Try to catch the pigeon with a net or something similar. Then cut off the string with a nail clipper as best you can to be able to take off the leg. The string may have grown into the leg flesh, so it may become challenging, but still possible. If most of the string is cut thru, and even if not removed at present time,,, ,,, if it is cut, it may work its way out eventually.

Not much you can do for feral chicken with dried up leg. Just try to offer feed/nutrition,,, and your reward will be the Love Vibes:love she send in return.
A net!! I don’t know why I didn’t think of that!! As for the chicken, I think she recognized my voice as I’ve given her food 2 different times. She’s really sweet and I’m starting to recognize her voice too (because she talks so much, not distress clucks just GIVE ME MORE FOOD clucks) I’ll try to get back to that beach ASAP and help these guys out.
This is probably important and I should have mentioned it in the first post, but the first time I saw her Pixar the 2nd was hopping and not putting ANY weight on her foot and the next time she was putting some weight on it and the most recent time she was more just severely limping so I think it’s getting better. WHOA that was a long sentence.
They are both alive so they may have found a way to survive their handicaps. What island are you on? There used to be some programs what would lend you a trap. Getting a NGO-type place to come catch it might be difficult. Poor ole feral chickens and pigeons don't get the same respect as other wildlife.

You can get a fish net for just a few bucks at any Long's drug store. My guess is they will still be able to get away.

Hope it all works out somehow.
They are both alive so they may have found a way to survive their handicaps. What island are you on? There used to be some programs what would lend you a trap. Getting a NGO-type place to come catch it might be difficult. Poor ole feral chickens and pigeons don't get the same respect as other wildlife.
I’m on Maui. It really is sad, I see people throwing sand at the pigeons all day at the beach. Then there’s me making a special stop to see the chickens and training the pigeons on the beach to jump on my hand as entertainment. Heh heh… yeah I love birds. All birds. But chooks are my favorite.
Thanks so much everyone for the responses.

We weren’t with the pigeon that much but it seemed like it had 1-2 others with it. Generally from what I’ve seen of the “beach pigeons” there’s just a lot of them and they only hang out in specific flocks in the sky. There was also a little kid poking the poor thing with a stick and chasing it. It seemed pretty timid of me. I bet people pick on the pigeons at that beach more than at the beach I go to normally. It wouldn’t let catch it with my method that I’ve used in the past (which is dig a hole in the sand and then put food in the hole and when the pigeon goes in the hole put a towel over the hole and scoop it out) It’s definitely very food motivated though.
This is the method I use with the most success.
First, get some food, preferably seeds or peanuts (though pretty much anything else that a pigeon will eat works too). Sprinkle it on the ground to get the pigeon’s attention. Make sure to not put too much food down at once. Wait until you have your target and its friends eating around your feet. Then, bend down and hover one hand over your target, not too close that they notice, but close enough that you can grab them relatively quickly. Your other hand should have nothing in it. Wait until the pigeon has shifted their focus to the food and the pigeons besides it (if it’s watching you it could get away). Then, in one motion, pin the pigeon to the ground with one hand and use your other hand to pick it up. I like to get in front of the pigeon, not behind it, so there’s less of a chance of it slipping away once pinned.

The other way you could catch it is using a cartoon-style trap with a box (or a cat carrier) with food under/in it. Then, either pull the stick propping up the box away with a string when the pigeon starts eating, or pull the door closed with a string (if you’re using a pet carrier).

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