Tylan 50 - Get yourself some


9 Years
Sep 24, 2010
Elk Grove, Ca
A few days ago, my breeding Black Copper Maran rooster started wheezing and sneezing. He had discharge coming from the nostrils and gurgled a lot. I called a professor at UC Davis, CA and he said "Go to you feed store and get a bottle of Tylan 50 and a 3CC syringe needle. Inject 1/2 cc into breast one time daily for 3 days."

This stuff works like magic, after the first morning my roo was up and chasing the hens already, still a little droopy but way better.
That stuff is the bees knees, isn't it? Every poultry site swears by that stuff so I keep some on hand as well.
Glad your boy is feeling better.

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