Tylan 50 injectable taken orally?

No, I cannot afford to get lab test done...this is why Im trying to get help here. Most of the people come here for that exact reason to ask for help from more experienced chicken lovers. If we could afford it then we would!!! Last time I went to the vet to get my chicken checked up was $200 with the visit and lab sample and the lady wasnt even very knowledgeable of chickens and I even called around like 10 vets or so. I just needed to know if I should try Denagard after Im done with my 5 days of Tylan. I understand it could be viral and if that should be the case I will let it run its course and give my chickens probiotics and vitamins and yogurt and hope for the best.
I'm not talking about going to the vet.
I'm talking about dealing directly with your state lab.
My state lab would charge $20.00 for the testing I'm thinking of.

Give me a few minutes and I'll find the direct link to your lab's pricing.
You could try to get testing to see if it is affordable in your state. Each state is different, and some have gotten testing for MG done for several dollars a chicken. It can be expensive or hard to get done in some states. Calling your state vet to ask questions would be a first step.

Respiratory diseases are chronic in chickens, meaning they become carriers for life, and even though many will not get symptoms, they will test positive for the disease. Luckily with infectious bronchitis, they only would be carriers for 5 months to a year, so when the last bird recovers, you woould only wait a year before hatching or adding new birds.

Personally, if none are very sick, I would hold off on denagard or other antibiotics. Denagard is specifically used in mycoplasma.
Update: After 3 days of Tylan 50 orally the 3 sick chickens coughed and sneezed less and after day 5 I stopped the Tylan because they were done with the sneezing and coughing and now, a week later, they seem all healthy. Thank you all for your help :)
So happy for you, thanks for the update!

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