Tylan 50 injection dosage

Hello, I know this thread is a bit old, but I am looking for Tylan 50 directions, too, and stumbled on your post. My hen looks much the same but not quite a swollen. I started Tylan Sunday but only 1 dose a day. On here it seems I should be doing it way more often. 2 is the most I can do with work, so I'll try morning and night....any update on your girl? Did she recover? I can't put my girl back with the flock until her eye is better because they pick on her... wondering how things went for you?!
The dosage is in post 12 and 14. If you could get Tylan (tylosin) powder for the water from a pigeon supply, you could give it in her water for 5 days. Here is one place that sells it, and dosage is 1/4 tsp per quart of water:
Oh, hello, thanks! I'm giving her the injectible as an oral and my chicken guru friend said that's fine to put in the water as well. But since I'm just treating one hen I just do the oral.
But I will get some to keep on hand since all the stores are out of it when you need it!
Any word on how the hen recovered?
Here's my girl, Princess Poppy. This is her 3rd bout and Terramycin eye ointment wasn't doing the trick. So we're on day 4 of Tylan 50 once a day...she is improving, though!


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They don’t sell the injectable Tylan anymore at present time in stores or online. Most people have had to get the powder for the water or use something else.
I just got tylan 50 from my tractor supply. I am new to bantams I just got 4 from my neighbor who thought they got chicks but the have had them for a month & 1/2 & they have not grown & when I seen them I told them I thought they were bantams but now I have them & I noticed 1 sneezing alot & it shook its head & it looked like snot flew out so I got tylan 50 injection because my tractor supply was out of the other antibiotic powders should I treat my whole flock? Can I put it in their water for all of them? How much if I can? I have these bantams,silkies, speckled Sussex, RIR, EEs. I assumed they were fine because my neighbor did the quarantine process but I guess they didn't notice if I have to do orally what's the best way to do that & how much should I give them? I don't think the bantams are even a pound but I could be wrong.

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