Tylan 50 injection dosage

I’ve got a sick rooster and got Tylenol 50. My syringe does not show 1/4ml. It is a ml syringe but is with point (.) something or 1-3ml. I keep seeing 1/4ml as dosage here. Would that come to 1.4ml on the syringe. Sorry for strange question but I want to make sure I do this correctly.

Also I’m seeing in previous responses that you can give the Tylan 50 injection orally also. Is that correct? If so do you draw up the same amount and squirt it in the back of the mouth? This is my first time with a sick rooster.
1/4ml would be .25 ml.

Tylan 50 comes in an injectible vial. You need a needle syringe to extract it. Then just yank off the needle and insert the oral syringe into the right side of the beak as shown in the photo below.

Tylan 50 is very corrosive and injures tissue when injected into a chicken. For that reason, we recommend giving it orally and not injecting it.

The dosage is .1ml per pound. For a five pound rooster, the dose would be .5ml given orally twice a day for five days.
There should be no need to separate the chicken from the others unless you have to catch the chicken several times a day to give the Tylan orally. I usually leave my chickens together unless they are being picked on. If she has an illness the others usually have already been exposed. If you feel the need to separate, Tylan is given for 3-5 days.
This is from our resident expert @casportpony in an older thread:
MackChicks said:
What is the dosage for injectable Tylan 50? We have 2 adult hens and a pullet hen. Also, how long do we treat them and how long do we have to wait to consume the eggs?
Thanks everyone!
Tylan 50 injectable can be given 1/4 ml for a bantam, 1/2 ml for a small chicken under 5 lb, and 1 ml to a chicken 5 lb and over, once or twice and day for 3-5 days. If given orally, I would use it twice a day, and as an injection into the bresat muscle, once a day. Use a 22 gauge needle, and inject only 1/4 inch into breast muscle, alternating sides daily. Egg withdrawal time is 1 days for oral Tylan and 7 days for the injectable.
this was SO helpful! thank you

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