Types of chicken beaks


Jul 6, 2015
Urbandale, IA
I've been looking at breed standards of chickens and I see it shows type of beak and coloration as a standard of each breed. I've googled, byc'd, etc and can't find descriptions of what they actually mean (ex. Horned, natural color, etc) . Is there a thread on here I'm missing or can anyone shine some light on this topic for me please?
I'm looking specifically in the difference of Ameraucanas and EE's.

What it means is the beak color :) I wish I had photos of my bird beaks but pretty much it talking about the different colors and at times shape and length.

I figured it meant color but I was looking for what that color actually looks like. Any time I search I get results about cross beak or debeaking of chickens. :barnie
I've been wondering the same thing. A few people told me my mille fleur bantam cochin rooster was SQ, beak colour and everything. I was like 'beak colour? That's part of it?'
Subscribing to see where this goes, I'm curious about the whole beack colour thing. My chickens seem to have a pretty concistant beak colour depending on breed...
Most breeds are supposed to have a beak color that corresponds with skin color, either white or yellow. And it's usually supposed to be solid, no black coloring. Some breeds should have all black, with no 'color' leaking through. It just depends on the breed.
For example, Barred Rocks should have solid yellow beaks. Mine all have at least some black.
Most breeds are supposed to have a beak color that corresponds with skin color, either white or yellow. And it's usually supposed to be solid, no black coloring. Some breeds should have all black, with no 'color' leaking through. It just depends on the breed. For example, Barred Rocks should have solid yellow beaks. Mine all have at least some black.
I have Ameraucanas chicks so I'm trying too see if they are Ameraucanas or EE's
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Those don't look like any of the recognized colors for Ameraucana. If no color is specified at time of purchase, 99% of the time they will be Easter Eggers, especially if they are hatchery sourced. Ameraucana breeders are very proud of their birds, and will let you know exactly what color variety you are buying.
Those don't look like any of the recognized colors for Ameraucana. If no color is specified at time of purchase, 99% of the time they will be Easter Eggers, especially if they are hatchery sourced. Ameraucana breeders are very proud of their birds, and will let you know exactly what color variety you are buying.
they were supposed to be a mixture of blue Wheaton and splash

But I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't. Of the 32 eggs I received only 4 hatched.... 4 DIS during lockdown and only 11made it past day 15
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