Types of Shows?


Jul 16, 2015
Riding my horse
My Coop
My Coop
Sorry, I hope this is the right thread for my topic.
Anyway, I'd really like to know the types of chicken shows and how to train for them?
I come from a horse showing background.
It is quite confusing!
Thank you!
Here: http://www.poultryshowcentral.com

Not only does this site track all the shows, their dates and locations, but is also a fair resource toward learning what exhibition poultry is all about. Down on the left column of the home page, you'll find buttons to click. 101, 201 and More. Beginning information and advanced information on showing.

It is often suggested to first find a show, it's date and location nearest you, and just go and observe. Ask folks questions. You'll may well see hundreds of birds at smaller shows and thousands and thousands of birds at larger shows. You'll see the "coops" all aligned in rows, by breed and variety. You can observe the judging at work, if your timing is right.

There are few things life more enjoyable than a poultry show if you like fancy fowl.
For 4-h and fair shows, mixed breeds are usually permitted. For APA (American Poultry Association) show you must have one of the recognized breeds, and it needs to be good representation of the breed in order to be competitive.
Many 4H shows are just about poultry handling and raising birds for the kids. It's fine. Fairs are all over the map. Some fairs are sanctioned shows and play by ABA and APA rules and have a licensed judge(s). Others hire a "judge" who is not licensed at all.

ABA/APA sanctioned shows are for purebred poultry, poultry bred to the breed's standard as written and described in the Standard of Perfection that each poultry livestock association prints. It is essential to own, read, understand and apply the Standard as this will be the basis of judged birds.

Preparing your birds for shows involves "conditioning" them which involves keep them in top feather form. You'll also want to condition them or get them used to being in a show cage and very used to being "handled" by the judge. Taming them really.

You'll also want to read those links I posted you toward earlier. Birds need to be spotlessly cleaned to show their best at the shows and just like the showing of other livestock there are lots of tricks of presenting them in their shinest, richest feather condition.

At most shows, there's little sense in bringing sub-par birds. The competition can be stiff and you'll need to breed and raise great stock and the learning curve is steep. Learning to breed and exhibition the birds you breed is an excellent life-long hobby. I'd suggest you get a mentor in the breed(s) you select. That's the way this is done, for the most part. There's a lot to learn, believe me. Find a breed that interests you and begin there. Join the APA and or ABA and talk to folks in the breed club of your chosen breed.

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