UFO Spotted In China??

I always got a kick out of 2 scenes from Independence Day.

1 New York with a ship over head freaking out an running for there lives.

2 L A with a ship over head slowly packing an leaving like it was just bad neighbors that moved in next door. Then the radio in L A announces to not fire weapons at the aliens because it might start an interstellar war.

New York is running for there lives an LA is like, there goes the neighborhood an starts pooping a cap in them.
The scene I think about is they are looking for pilots and Randy Quade(sp) says he wants to get back at them for them abducting him and they all roll their eyes.

Well DUH!
If an alien has the tech to visit Earth, it's 99.9999% guarunteed to be hostile. Just look at movies AND videogames! It's practically unanimous! Never seen Stargate, so I wouldn't know about that particular species.

But *sputter sputter* what about ET, Cocoon, Starman, Abyss, My Step Mother was an Alien, The Coneheads?

I like reeces pieces
and am short, been called dumpy ........hmmmmm birdaholic are you talking about me???

Hmmm..... does your finger glow?
C'mon guys! We ALL know they used to come to oversee the US.

Now they're making sure to check in at China! Makes sense? No?

They're just coming to make sure we're still earth bound and to fix up the warning signs! Stay away from this planet!!! Dangerous!!!

Well that is what I hope it says cause the Stargate way, man we got technology, but we also got major league enemies!

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