ugg men and the lack there of lol

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I didn't date for 12 years after my divorce. Now I am engaged to my soul mate. We think alike, love the same things, have never once had a fight. I am not sure why it took so long, but when the time is right you will know it.
The way I look at it if I cant talk about my animals(horses, chickens, etc.) on the first go around forget it. It is obviously somthing you are passionate about and if the other person doesnt accept that, oh well their loss!
Try It took a long time and a lot of trial-and-error and a few disappointments, but it was fun, too. Finally met someone so compatible it's spooky. Going on 5 years now, just keeps getting better.


OMG you all are so sweet I did not realize how much I needed to hear some of those things until you all said them. I am big on getting my lifestyle (chooks and all) out after first meeting figuring that if that does not scare them then maybe they are someone I would date.
I am really not trying to complain or rush things but I guess spring is in the air .... and finding a partner was on my mind.

I just finished putting new roof and stuff on my duck coop and then came to check here and you all made me smile. Thanks so much

As for old BF I wish I was kidding PC, he was never mean to my DS but would do really inconsiderate things like brushing his dog (not where I asked in the back of the property) but right next to my patio exactly where my son would have to walk in order to play outside. Also one night my son was sick and I was in my room with him (bf was in the guest room) by 2 am I decided that I wanted to take ds to the ER I woke BF up so that he would help me get ds into car and all that. He woke up I told him what was happening and went back to dressing ds, only to find that he went back to sleep. I was furious but not going to waste precious time waking him again so I just took ds myself. He kept on insisting on another dog too and would not consider any breed that did not shed, like a laberdoodle. Yet his dog who is almost a year old is NOT trained at all! I actually got to the point where I would have kept his dog but not him! By the way I love dogs and so does my ds but he is VERY allergic to him and it was not until 3 times being in the ER and admitted for days and him on oxygen and all these steroids that we tested and discovered his allergies to cats and dogs so this is a major thing and BF knew that just did not care.

We still talk every few days and not once in the last 3 weeks has he even asked how my ds was doing, so any chance of rekindling is completely out the window, yet in every conversation we have we talk about his dog, and all things that the dog has done, is doing, is eating etc... I am actually curious how many months will go by with out him even mentioning my ds my sister and I have a running bet on how long lol

Oh BTW my ds is 3.5 yrs old he was born 4 months after DH died and is the only reason at the time I stuck around and will always be my priority as it should be.

Anyway enough babbling thanks again I would quote you all individually but I would probably seem crazier than I already do.
It's unfortunate the BF was a, I hate to say, "typical" dude. It happens.

This thread, while a rant for you, actually gives me a little faith, that as
a 38 year old entering single life for the first time, well, forever, that there
are cool women out there who actually aren't married. Although,
you probably still would be if not for tradgic events in your life. I love the
fact that you had the child, as sad as it all is, and I also respect your
convictions that he is #1.

Big Hugs!!!
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my dad went on a date a couple weeks ago. He told his friend (my son heard) that when he opened the door to his truck a greasy pair of gloves, about a pound of corn and some straw fell out. He said its always a good thing when they see that and dont run the other way.

If you want to find that type of man, go to farm auctions and places where they would be, I think there is an internet dating site for farmers out there some where. My BF likes that I am independent and get my hands dirty. When we met he was growing a small garden, of course he wouldnt admit I knew more about it than he did. His ex wife was from a wealthy family, spoiled and grump, I grew up poor on a farm. Guess he wanted something different. Keep looking they are out there. I waited too long to find mine.
Ok, this is coming from a single mom who now has a fabulous BF. I remember the days of dating where you had to worry about when to drop the "I have a kid" bomb....Now we have to worry about the "I have chickens" bomb too? Yikes! This dating thing gets harder and harder!

LOL alright, that came out kinda wrong...I don't think someone should HIDE having chickens, I just kinda envisioned some guy saying "HI" and the girl saying "HI, I have chickens...." LOL I did my share of the single mom dating thing.
Found my love/partner/best friend when my two oldest were 3 yrs and 6 months old.
Dude, the world is your oyster. Remember those top ten percent of girls in college who wouldn't give you the time of day? Well, now they're divorced and lonely, but they're ten years too old for you. You'll be dating their younger, better-looking sisters. The older you get the larger the age group you can choose from, and the bigger prize you become as long as you aren't missing teeth and don't wear a baseball hat backwards. The world is overflowing with 30-40 year-old divorcees and widows, and they aren't looking for the fairy tale any longer.
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