Ugh - friend just sent anti-chick article saying they have salmonella

I'm not sticking up for her, but she did it under the guise of "with Easter coming up and people getting chicks and people seeing them in stores, lets all remember how dangerous they can be for children under 5" yada, yada, yada... and then included the article.

Um... it's NO secret to everyone on the recipient list that I'm the only freak-show with chicks - LOL.

Meh - we're hand-washing as often as we can, but I can't go overboard even with that.

And yeah - I'm an out-of-the-closet-batter-licker too!
Hand me a battery spoon and I'll go to town. I'm afraid my kids do the same too.
I hope that woman gets home delivery of her groceries and never takes her children into a grocery store. If she does, you'll need to report her to the authorities for child endangerment. Those shopping carts are full of nasty germs.

It's awfully good that her children as so protected from "dangerous chicks". I mean, aren't city kids less likely to has asthma and allergies than country kids?

OH WAIT... nope. It's the other way around: How silly of me.
I have never once ever had salmonella, either from handling chicks and chickens or eating their eggs cooked and raw.

I had raw eggs in an Egg Cream for breakfast today

Egg Cream
2 raw duck eggs
2 cups almond milk
1/4 cup cocoa powder (unsweetened)
Da Vinci sugar free French Vanilla syrup

Blend and serve over ice cubes.


She's single, no kids and a militant vegetarian

If she is militant, she may be getting hooked up with those who feel nobody should own pets or livestock.​
She sounds like a military general. "Go wash your hands! Don't touch that chick! I am going to tell all my friends about how your family is going to get samonella! Hey, I said don't touch that chick!" No offense, but she doesn't sound like a real friend...
When I was growing up we had chickens and my mother, worried about my low birth weight and constant reflux used to feed me canned milk with raw eggs mixed in. As far as I know I've not had salmonella and died yet. I DO make the kids wash their hands after playing with the chickens or gathering eggs but I also make them wash their hands after playing with the cats or cleaning out the litterbox. I'm just that kind of Mom.
Before I got chickens a few years ago we really got into Iguanas. We had 3 or four at a time. These were "Free range" iguanas and moved around the house at will. They were litter trained and knew where to go. At one point they spent a lot of time in the kitchen one of their favorite sunny spots. Being that I am a Chef we ate and served many friends and family with the iguanas in the kitchen. Granted they were always cared for correctly bathed when dirty ect. No one ever got sick in the five plus years we had them. My "Bubba" got very large close to six feet long and "Julip" was over four feet so we had to send them to a Iguana retreat for retirement. I would not worry about it and I would not consider that person a friend.
I did not read every comment in the thread but here is my 2 cents worth.

How many years have chickens been around, How many people have died DRECTLY from salmonella from chickens. How many of those people did not use proper sanitation methods for their children and chickens. NOW, ask her if she ever eats poultry products(eggs, chicken breast, chicken tenders, cake, icing, meruinge pie, etc the list goes on). Tell her she is gonna diiiiiiieeeeee 'cause they have salmonella possibilities in the chicken that she gets from the store and the eggs and boy that store must really want to kill off the world!

OMG we can die from anything, some people are just killjoys. I refuse to run around with face masks on and rubber gloves and disinfectant in my purse to ward off enemies of my children. I also am not going to put them in direct contact with known poisons or harmful substances. A baby chicken is not one of those substances. Yes they can poo on ya and yes they can scratch your skin but good LORD you can get scratched on a thorn from a rose and get an infection. Does that mean we have to quit sending flowers to people we love....oh my, does that make me a potential murderer!

I agree with the one poster that said I would reconsider saying she is a friend. Sounds like NOT!

Honestly, this is the most ridiculous line I have heard yet!

Oh yeah, and where did the fertilizer come from on her veggie garden? CHICKEN POO, COW POO, OMG Katie bar the door!
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I remember my father said when they were growing up, all of his brothers and sisters would go barefooted in the henhouse, collecting eggs for their mother, and come in the house on her clean floor and put the eggs in a bowl on the counter (nope, not in the refigerator). None of them got sick, even they have not washed their feets for days!
And they did eat raw eggs too! They didnt wash their hands too well but enough water to make it wet and RUSH to the dinner table!

I tell my DD to wash her hands after she gets done outside with the chickens or handling the baby chicks. Sometimes she would have candy that she carried outside and with hands dirty from making dirt pies (yep, came from good ol dirt and chicken poop from the garden) and eating the candy like it was nothing. So I dont worry about it too much but try to remind her to wash her hands before she puts anything in her mouth. did she get sick directly from the chickens, NOPE!
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I've had salmonella twice and both times i got it from lettuce. So you can send this post to the same ppl that she sent hers to and let them all know she is suicidal because she only eats veggies. Then tell her to go away. PS. Didn't go to dr. either time and i survived.
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