Ugh, Raccoons!!!


Aug 1, 2014
Appling, GA
My beloved Handsome Hank was killed last night in the line of duty. He protected his girls and valiantly fought off the raccoon. A fight to the death. I searched the run for the entry point and could not find it. The raccoon returned tonight for the girls. We managed to save them and brought them in the house for the night. My poor Hazel has a chick missing on her back from a bite but I think she will be ok. The others are fine.
I'm not sure what to do to keep this creature out since I can't figure out how it's getting in.
I want to build a new coop/ run but can't afford it yet.
Any ideas?
My beloved Handsome Hank was killed last night in the line of duty. He protected his girls and valiantly fought off the raccoon. A fight to the death. I searched the run for the entry point and could not find it. The raccoon returned tonight for the girls. We managed to save them and brought them in the house for the night. My poor Hazel has a chick missing on her back from a bite but I think she will be ok. The others are fine.
I'm not sure what to do to keep this creature out since I can't figure out how it's getting in.
I want to build a new coop/ run but can't afford it yet.
Any ideas?
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Can you post pictures of your coop and run?
Can you afford to put hotwires around the coop and run?
If have attached run need all sides and top 19 g HWC 1/2 inch. 2 ft apron of the same at base of coop/run. Good to landscape with large rock around it.
Posting pics of your coop may help someone determine your weak spot. If you are using chicken wire, raccoons an possums can squeeze through a pretty narrow opening and you may not be able to tell they went through. Raccoons climb well so look high for a weak spot also.
I hope you get him, I’m on the hunt for one now that is stalking my coops.
BTW, I have family in Harlem, small world. :)
Box trap by coop door with eggs in it. Relocate or a bullet
Bullet! - Don't relocate, please! I have a trap-experienced raccoon lurking around my duck's house since two months. He is stealing the bait without triggering the trap. Once you've caught'em dispose'em! If you release it somewhere else you're creating a problem for somebody else's poultry!
Bullet! - Don't relocate, please! I have a trap-experienced raccoon lurking around my duck's house since two months. He is stealing the bait without triggering the trap. Once you've caught'em dispose'em! If you release it somewhere else you're creating a problem for somebody else's poultry!
We've got a couple of raccoon skeletons resting around here somewhere.
Bullet! - Don't relocate, please! I have a trap-experienced raccoon lurking around my duck's house since two months. He is stealing the bait without triggering the trap. Once you've caught'em dispose'em! If you release it somewhere else you're creating a problem for somebody else's poultry!
I agree. We are rural on a dead end road. People have released in our area. One time someone dropped off a baby goose in my driveway. I know the gosling was not a predator but shame on someone for just dropping it off.

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