Uh, is someone ready for lockdown a little early?

One of their navels hasn't healed at all, (not the baby that was stuck to the shell, a different one) and that is the one that I didnt expect to make it this long. We're doing electrolytes and hoping for the best, but learning to deal with the sadness that they don't won't all live and flourish no matter what I do. The last 2 eggs are past time, and I don't think they're going to make it all the way- in hindsight, they were too large, compared to the others. Also, worth noting- Cap had finally managed to mate with Loki about the time she laid those, and I don't think he had the "potency" that Downey does. The good news is that everyone else is doing very well, including Valentine, who started us out with crisis mode! Everyone here rocks, I love y'all!
Are you putting anything on the navel area?
It's always sad when some don't make it but you have had a great hatch. :love

Who was it that flew off? any news there?
I was putting a little triple antibiotic ointment without pain relief on it, but not too much, because I was hoping it would dry up, and I didn't want it to stay too squishy.

Cap is the drake that flew off, and I am almost 100% convinced he is in one of the nearby ponds. I searched every single bank around our lake and the surrounding woods and neighbor's yards, and didn't find a single feather. Something would have literally swallowed him whole without him making a sound for him to have gotten snatched up. The other two keep searching for him when they go out, as if they're sure he's out there.
Maybe show us a pic of the navel? I’ve never had one take more than a day or two to totally clear up.

I normally only use neosporin once or twice, in my mind to fight any possible infection. Then I let it dry out. As long as the bedding stays fairly clean and dry, I don’t worry much more about it.
Poor baby didn't make it. I should've taken a picture, but his navel was like a small frozen pea of a scab, but not a super hard scab. It wasn't infected, but he wasn't growing like the others. :hitThe good news is that everyone else is lively, noisy, cuddly, hungry, thirsty, curious, and messy. The only issue I'm having is the battle with Chloe and her clogged nose. She's just got some stubborn goo in there. She's trying to blow it out, and we've tried warm q-tip massages, steam, warm water, a baby nasal aspirator, and it's just stuck. Her lungs are clear (no clicking in the chest) so it's just going to be a war against the goo. I'm trying to give it a bit of time because her little nose is so tiny I don't want to damage anything. I have them all in 2 brooders- the oldest 5 in the big one, and the youngest/smallest 2 plus Chloe because of her little nose in the smaller one. Lots of happy peeping and eating!
Maybe show us a pic of the navel? I’ve never had one take more than a day or two to totally clear up.

I normally only use neosporin once or twice, in my mind to fight any possible infection. Then I let it dry out. As long as the bedding stays fairly clean and dry, I don’t worry much more about it.
I honestly had done the same, then noticed last night that it didn't look right. That baby just never got strong like the others. They've been on old towels, tshirts, and now we've moved on to puppy pads now that my closet has been purged, and everyone else's tummies are doing fine.

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