Uh oh... found an egg today! ... - A journal of sorts, from finding eggs to hatching them... Update



LOL 'bout time!!! Thank you slow poke!!!

I love Pieds!!!

Which ones are you keeping?
I was planning on taking pics of them all once I got them all set up for the Hens' next 8 month long laying marathon (that I'm not ready for!!!).

I collected 10 eggs today...
Went from 2 a day, to 5 a day, then 6 yesterday and now 10 today
I'd say my laying season has officially shifted into gear, but only with one flock. I have 45 eggs ready/waiting to go in an incubator, I just haven't had time to get in the closet and get one off the top shelf then tear all the big strong sticky gorilla tape off of the box that I used to tape it up really good to keep me from incubating any more eggs last season (lol). I really do need to set it up and get it pre-heating tho... cuz I'll probably be getting another 10 eggs tomorrow, and then another 10 the next day if not more, lol

I'm gonna say it right now tho... I AM NOT HATCHING 780+ KEETS THIS TIME!!!!!
If anyone sees me even getting close to that number, slap me, make me stop!!!
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I was planning on taking pics of them all once I got them all set up for the Hens' next 8 month long laying marathon (that I'm not ready for!!!).

I collected 10 eggs today...
Went from 2 a day, to 5 a day, then 6 yesterday and now 10 today
I'd say my laying season has officially shifted into gear, but only with one flock. I have 45 eggs ready/waiting to go in an incubator, I just haven't had time to get in the closet and get one off the top shelf then tear all the big strong sticky gorilla tape off of the box that I used to tape it up really good to keep me from incubating any more eggs last season (lol). I really do need to set it up and get it pre-heating tho... cuz I'll probably be getting another 10 eggs tomorrow, and then another 10 the next day if not more, lol

I'm gonna say it right now tho... I AM NOT HATCHING 780+ KEETS THIS TIME!!!!!
If anyone sees me even getting close to that number, slap me, make me stop!!!

Woohoo! More eggs!!!

Ehhh? What was that? Nope didn't hear ya! Try again!
Keep on hatchin my friend!
Man, I wish mine would start laying!
Do you think I could put a light out there and have it come on a few hours and they would start to lay early?

Eh, just cuz my Hens are laying doesn't mean their eggs are fertile yet, these are first timers... so we'll see in a week or so after I set the eggs. I'm not really ready to start hatching yet, so I'm not going to be disappointed if I candle a bunch of clears, lol. I know eventually I'll have plennnnnnty of fertile eggs, and I'm not in any hurry lol. Altho, I do miss those cute lil peeping fuzzballs and I am curious to see if this flock hatches any new colors for me.

Extra light might help your flock start laying. I know commercial hatcheries use lights to lengthen their laying season. Some use lights that simulate natural sunlight as close as possible, full spectrum light. I think they aim for at least 16 hours of light per day. I only use a strand of low watt LED red rope lights for at night (but it stays on 24/7 cuz I am lazy and never shut it off, lol), it's just enough light to give the birds enough light to get back up on their roosts if they get crowded off, and helps keep the panic to a minimum if they get spooked by something, but it (supposedly) doesn't disrupt their sleep pattern. Warmer day time temps also help stimulate the Hens to lay. Which is what my flocks are experiencing here, due to this screwy weather. It's been really Spring like, mid 70s off and on. We still have not had a normal Winter yet, and hardly any rain.
Annnnnd we're off!!! ... The first batch of 2012. 42 Guinea eggs in the oven. I have a dozen more eggs that I could have added as a 2nd layer, but I'm practicing some self control for this season and I'll use them for cooking/baking. Last year I had double layers of eggs in all 4 of my incubators and was hand turning around 150 extra eggs 3 times a day/night. Not doing that this year, no way!

If my posts are edited, it's usually cuz I'm a typoin' fool!
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Da da DAAA... Now it begins.... insert twilight zone music here....Will she succumb to hatching fever or will her logical pseudo personality take up the reins and force her into the realm of the commonplace..... do de do do do de doo doo.
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