Uh oh... found an egg today! ... - A journal of sorts, from finding eggs to hatching them... Update

Post number #102, current update...

I candled all the eggs in the 'bators this evening; 19 eggs looking good from batch #1 almost solid, and another 25 looking good and developing in batch #2, and batch #3 has 31 eggs looking good/devloping so far, (only on day 6 for batch #3). Definitely gettin' a better fertility rate now. Keets keets keets !!!!!!!
Less than a week 'til batch #1 hatches weeeeeeeeee

So now... the question is: DO I FIRE UP INCUBATOR #3 and set 50+ eggs tomorrow??? Or not? Maybe make a huge potatoe salad and some egg salad sandwiches for this weekend instead? Or a big ol' sausage and Guinea egg breakfast??? HMMMMMMMMMMM decisions decisions, UGH!
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So.... Was it egg Salad or Brooder #3.... I vote for Brooder #3

Post number #102, current update...

I candled all the eggs in the 'bators this evening; 19 eggs looking good from batch #1 almost solid, and another 25 looking good and developing in batch #2, and batch #3 has 31 eggs looking good/devloping so far, (only on day 6 for batch #3). Definitely gettin' a better fertility rate now. Keets keets keets !!!!!!!
Less than a week 'til batch #1 hatches weeeeeeeeee

So now... the question is: DO I FIRE UP INCUBATOR #3 and set 50+ eggs tomorrow??? Or not? Maybe make a huge potatoe salad and some egg salad sandwiches for this weekend instead? Or a big ol' sausage and Guinea egg breakfast??? HMMMMMMMMMMM decisions decisions, UGH!
LOL... I went with incubator #3

Pulling out hatcher #1 tomorrow and moving egg batch #1 over to it as soon as it's stable. (I should do it tonight but... I've been drinkin' beer all day... Superbowl Sunday, lol).

There is no hope for me, at all
Gawd...... Slapping my forehead..... Maybe thats why I am not getting messages from the usual suspects. SUPERBOWL......
And I didnt even get any beer.....

LOL... I went with incubator #3

Pulling out hatcher #1 tomorrow and moving egg batch #1 over to it as soon as it's stable. (I should do it tonight but... I've been drinkin' beer all day... Superbowl Sunday, lol).

There is no hope for me, at all
Eggs in the bator already? OH MY, OH MY, OH MY!!!!! So far no eggs around here and the weather has been like spring for weeks now. The boys are getting fiesty though. Need another bator, need another bator, need another bator.
Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh... I should have set up the hatcher yesterdayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!
Shame on me for bein' lazy.

I woke up to this lil guy in the incubator peeping away at 7:15 am. COME ON, I NEED MY COFFEE FIRST DANGIT!!!

Same keet, one pic taken with a flash, one without (and a flashlight). Still too wet to tell exactly what color he is... Pied Lite Lavender or maybe a Pied Powder Blue... maybe.
But I think I see a little faint tan stripe (so probably a Pied Lite Lavender). Looks too light to be a regular Pied Lavender, so we'll see in a few hours when he's all the way fluffed and dried. Figures it'd would be a Pied keet
I was hoping for a Chocolate to be my first keet of the year. One more egg in this batch is pipped, I can see a few that have pipped internally and the rest still look like they have a day or so to go... this is only the morning of day 24, lol. I set the eggs around 6PM or so on Friday the 13th of January. Early hatch again, but this Genesis 1588 is tried and true for accurate stable temps and humidity (and a few early keets in each batch even when I rotate eggs around in the turner every few days). Apparently this guy was just ready to see the world

I haven't moved the keet and other eggs over to the hatcher yet, it's still warming up/stabilizing, geeeeze. I unplugged the egg turner in the incubator for now (there's staggered batches of eggs in there, plus extra eggs I'm turning by hand), so at least the keet won't get squished. If this is any indication how my season's gonna go, I'm in big trouble lol.
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