Uh oh.... I think I am chicken crazy

I don't THINK I am chicken crazy, I KNOW I am.

I started with thinking about 4, maybe 6. Actually started with 8.

Look at my signature line NOW.
I'm totally over thinking this too. I wanted just 6, but then started reading all the emergency threads and thought I should get a few extra just in case. I was going to have a coop for 8 max. I've now made it 15 max. I've now decided on ordering 9 chicks. I'm going to put my order in this weekend, but still haven't done it yet because I'm afraid I'll change my mind and need more
i only wanthed 15 barred rock hens, now have 12 barred rock hens, and a beautiful Roo named RJ, 5 Rhode island mix with goldan comet hens,1 RR hen and beautiful RR Roo named Chanteclaire 3 silkie hens and a roo all of the first chickens are 1 yr, now added more 5 White Rock pullets 2months old, 5 BO 1 month old, 1 partridge rock 1 month old and 2 white rocks 1 month old that i hatched. and now I still want more, honey is building another coop for me hehe.
that totals 35 I LOVE CHICKEN MATH hehe
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you are lucky indeed! MY DH said I'm on my own, building the coop, caring for the birds, etc. His Mantra has become "I don't do chickens". I just smile and say "yes dear".
Well, I AM needing to downsize several of my roos. We have plenty of land for critters, so that helps too. Although they do have to stay in pens because of our dogs. At least my dogs keep other dogs and nasty critters out and they don't try to get into the pens!

I am working on a couple bantam projects, and then I have LF egg layers. Trying to work up to getting the breeds I want. I promise hubby that I will get to a "decent" number one day. Little does he know I want to add Call Ducks, peacocks, and a turkey!
I never had chickens until we moved to Tn. I had no idea the personalities of these birds! And they are so darned cute! Plus,they lay yummy eggs. My dh said no roosters because he is a light sleeper. But eventually I bought some chicks
oops, too bad there was a baby rooster in there! I started out with RIR, and Barred Rocks. Then came the Gold Laced Wyandottes. And Buff Orpingtons. Of course, who doesn't need some pretty Black Australorps? I wanted an Australorp roo,and bought two black chickens from a guy who said they were BA's but guess what, now I have a pair of Jersey Giants. Have you ever seen Delawares? I bought three hens as egg layers, and finally found a roo to go with them, it's a shame to have lonely hens! Oh, and when I went to Florida , I found this nice lady who had Polish chickens for sale that fit in a dog cage in the back of my truck. Did you get an incubator yet? I bought a dozen hatching eggs at an auction. The rest is history. You see, they are just so amazing you want to keep seeing more hatch! My friend Rindy had some nice cochins and light Sussex chicks for sale. And then there's the weekly trip to the feed stores with the baby chick bins. How can you leave them there to suffer at the hands of who knows might get them. I had to have speckled Sussex and dark brahmas! Oh, and I gave my neighbor some chicks for her birthday son e she had never had any. So we both got some light brahmas, and silver lace Wyandottes. Now I try to stay away from bantams, I have to draw the line somewhere, but you know those silkies are amazing birds! I just had to get some of those. And can you believe it, the chick hatcheries will send you a color catalogue of the different breeds for free. If it is free, well you probably need it. And I really needed those 25 tophat specials so I could get more polish colors and some white sultans! Luckily, I am pretty handy with power tools, but I am having a hard tome keeping up as the chickens grow so fast. And have you been to a chicken auction? I went today and bought 2 gorgeous blue wyandottes and a trio of Salmon Faverolles, and a couple more pairs of silkies. Did I mention the white leghorns and the Americaunas?
So if you need a few chickens or eggs or chicks , send me a pm. I might have a few I could part with.;-) And would you like a side order of milk goats with that? I have them too,but that's a other story. Deb

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