Just noticed an open cut on my roo's foot/leg this morning. Thank god my husband was home to hold him and thank god, M. Maurice was a calm trooper through the ordeal!
I irrigated it profusely with chlorhexedrine, dressed it with neosporin and wrapped it with Vetrap. I also picked up all the poo I could identify in the run and the coop. ...but, let's face it, I could be out there 24/7 and I still wouldn't be able to keep him from stepping in something.
It's been an hour or so. He's leaving the wrap alone. He is able to get up and balance on the roost in the run. My husband will be back tonight so we can rinse-and-repeat.
What else should I be doing? Should I give him probiotics to ward off infection? How long will it take to heal or to know that it's not going to be infected? What do I do if it does get infected?
Thanks in advance for your help!!! This is the first chicken trauma I'm dealing with.
I irrigated it profusely with chlorhexedrine, dressed it with neosporin and wrapped it with Vetrap. I also picked up all the poo I could identify in the run and the coop. ...but, let's face it, I could be out there 24/7 and I still wouldn't be able to keep him from stepping in something.
It's been an hour or so. He's leaving the wrap alone. He is able to get up and balance on the roost in the run. My husband will be back tonight so we can rinse-and-repeat.
What else should I be doing? Should I give him probiotics to ward off infection? How long will it take to heal or to know that it's not going to be infected? What do I do if it does get infected?
Thanks in advance for your help!!! This is the first chicken trauma I'm dealing with.