Uh, what's wrong?

OK, it's not just me! I was thinking it was some sort of weird dialect that someone in northern Minnesota kept using the word "rooster" for "e g g". I'm glad to see they still speak english up there (though maybe not on BYC?!)
If this is the worst April fools stuff that I have to deal with than I am happy! Last year my son (18 y/o) put a rubberband around my sprayer at the kitchen sink, getting soaked in the face first thing in the morning is not pleasant! He glued my phone to the stand so I had to pry my phone apart! and there is more. The brat! I got out of the house early today so when I go home I'll be afraid to walk in the door!
Yea, everyone else seems to have also. I don't know if that really is a screw up or real
Well I was really disturbed because someone was writing about bringing there rooster in the house and eating it and all these weird details. I don't eat meat, and try to ignore posts having to do with that but this one was extra disturbing!

Oh my word!!!! I was thinking.... when I replied in another thread new rooster and 1 post
.... what that bologna ( I can only remember how to spell bologna by singing the oscar meyer song
One person above told me to get some glasses or drink a cup of coffee, when I asked if anyone else had noticed
I really thought I was losing it

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