I do that too. Do you loose your keys all the time too. or lock them in the car?
Your incluced then!

Well what should we name the group then? How about we just make this thread our support group?

I like the current name...it says it all. I got lucky the other day, found my cell phone in the deep litter of the coop....BEFORE anyone decorated it! Yaaay!
I had "chemo brain" really bad when I was in treatment for breast cancer in 2003 and it lasted long enough to segue right into "mature woman forgetfulness.". (Chemo brain is supposed to be temporary, but I have my doubts.)

Post-it notes are my salvation. As long as I remember to look at 'em! On my home computer, I have a little Post-It program that "pastes" little yellow tags on the screen - gosh I love those!

And I got an auto- door for my main coop because I, too, get distracted and suddenly it's dark out. Nobody else but me to care for the flock, or to remind me to do something.

I'd sure like to participate with y'all.
I used to be able to remember stuff that was months away. Now, I have to make lists for everything. Dont forget to do this, go to the bank, get groceries, close coop door. I write whatever it is I need to remember on a list and check it off as I get it done. Everything. Im worried I'll have alzhieimers when I get older. Sucks.

You are so welcome to join!

I tried the post it notes but it got to the point they were everywhere and just faded into the background.

I tried to leave myself messages on the answering machine but I would forget to check the messages.

I have the most help from DH who reminds me of things all the time.
I don't have an excuse, I just forget, sometimes i can't remember the word i want to use. I blame it on having 4 children, i reckon every time i was pregnant some of my brain cells were stolen by the baby!!
Sometime I am in bed and remember i haven't put the chickens away
such a pain getting up and out but i must i would never forgive myself if they got caught by a fox or pinemartin!
I hear you on that. My first born is so smart I always tell him your welcome for all the brain cells I must have givin you. I have made many trips to the coop in my jammies too.
What is a pinemartin?
Will I remember everything I need to take today. We are headed back to the hospital to be with DH's dad and I know I need to take his glasses but do I need anything else. Times like this having memory problems is difficult.

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