Uhhhhgg. So, now that the fox has found us....


In the Brooder
10 Years
Dec 15, 2009
The Woods of NH
...is it "on"?

We haven't had any trouble with fox or coons or anything...just hawks. The woods around my house have been a haven for my birds, since the hawks don't have so much luck in swooping when my flock is under cover of trees, etc...well, now the woods are just as dangerous.

It seems we are on the radar of a red fox now.
Just comes and sits in the yard, right in the yard in the middle of the day. This critter seems to be in utter shock at the birds out free, just roaming around. It looks like it can't decide which one to eat first.
The thing just sat in the middle of the yard this morning looking at the birds as they screamed and clucked like you wouldn't believe. The fox runs off when I come out click-clacking around with my gun and yelling at it...but I can see flits and glimpses of it around the edges of my woods. *sigh*

My question for those of you with more experience...

Now that we're majorly on this guys radar...is it "on til the break of dawn" with this fox? Should I ready myself for a real problem with this guy? I mean, looking out at my big beautiful flock...if I were this fox, I'd make this my first and only stop for all of my snacking needs! Is it only a matter of time til I lose one of my pack now?

My birds become completely despondent when not free ranged...so I don't know what to do. He was out sitting in the yard this morning, so I'm putting the birds in the run for the day...but it makes them loco. They've all been free ranged since they were youngsters and do NOT like being kept in the run....will they get over it? Should I let them free range anyway?

How vicious are foxes? Anyone have any tips on fox behavior?

Thank you so much for your help. I have so much going on right now with my flock. I have two new cochin girls with me now that just came out of quarantine. Unfortunately, their brother, the biggest and more beautiful cochin roo I've ever seen, is currently stewing on my stove. He was waaaaay too aggressive to keep around. That and I have a silkie dying of something unidentified....I'm just up to my eyeballs in chicken worry right now and to think that my awesome flock is now in fox danger. Man, I'm just so wiped out at the moment. My flock is so badass and they stick together like nobody;s business...but they are just chickens. What they have in fierceness and pack mentality, they totally lack in physical strength. This fox is so big and healthy looking....they are no match for this critter.

What would you do?
Shoot it. Plain and simple. I'm not big on killing things AT ALL, but when it comes to my birds, I feel its my job to protect them at all costs. And where there is one fox, there is probably more, so don't let your guard down.
hell be back no doubt you either need to watch the flock or deter the fox or eliminate it if you want to deter then you can try an fence electric of course or you can sit out there and when you see him you can pepper him with a paintball gun non lethal but hurts like heck especially if its loaded with pepperballs. If you try this have your hubby pull one of the screens out of a window and snipe him form there so the fox doesnt associate you with this if he does hell just wait for you not to be there this way he has no clue whats causing this. you can also run a single electric fence line by where he is at and get cans of cat food and hang them from it when his wet nose investigates zing and its off to the races... You can also try a dog there are breeds of guard dogs heelers etc.. or the other option is keep flock in or shoot him. a dog is the best bet if you dont want to kill him they tend to be on guard 24/7
I have one coming by every night so far the dogs have kept it away from the coops( everybody is put up at night) but the first chance I get said fox is history. I had a brave one last year he made no attempt to run from me so he was put away quick. I give alot of the predators around my house alot of room after all it is their nature to hunt and kill for food, but with that said if my buffet gets on their menu instead of their natural food then I dispatch them fairly quickly. Jeff
Thanks for the responses guys I really appreciate it.

We're reallllly not big on killing things...but we're huge on protecting the animals we keep as our food source and responsibility. So, killing the fox is not a huge problem for us. I mean, the way we see it, we're no match for the fox. It can come in the pitch black of darkness and be gone with a chicken before we know it's here. My concern is in taking a shot and wounding it instead of killing it. That would hugely disappoint me. I would be so depressed thinking about wounding the creature and letting it off into the woods to die slowly.

aww man. I guess it had to happen sometime.

So, if I let these birds continue to free roam, this fox is going to come here every day and kill them until they;re gone, right? I mean, that's just the way it is with foxes, right?
Yes. Once he's found an easy source of food, he'll keep coming back. I'm surprised he doesn't run from the yard the minute you open the door. Don't know if he's sick or has just adapted to having people around, but either way it doesn't seem like normal behavior for a wild animal. I'd shoot it. I don't like the idea of wounding an animal, either. Much kinder to make the first shot count. If wounded, you could trail it and finish it off. For now, I'd keep the birds in the run for their safety. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
He is probably a she with kits. We had one in are yard a few years ago, red one and it wasn't scared of us or anything, hubby shot the 22 at it, it jumped in the bushes and then came right back into the yard, this was all in bright daylight, so hubby shot it, mainly because we were cocerned about it's behavior! He thought she probably had kits to feed, but not my chickens!!!!!!
Well and my concern is also with it's behavior. I've never known any fox but a sick fox to be so slow to get lost when a human starts shrieking at it. This was not in any way a sick looking fox, though. This was actually the most beautiful, well fed looking, silkiest, biggest fox I've ever seen. It's gate was nimble and easy and it's eyes and face looked wonderful. I'd imagine it's no stranger to a chicken dinner, thats for sure. It seemed very comfortable with my presence, in any case.

I'm sure it'll be back...I think it's been back a couple of times since it was stalking us earlier this morning. I see it around the edges of the woods I think. What worries me is that even though it doesn't LOOK sick, it could be...and I've got two knuckle head doggies (with hearts of gold, but still, a couple of goofballs) who would not be scared of a fox and would most likely go and try and "meet" it. The last thing I need is one of my dogs bit. Yuck.

Well the fox has to go. That is clear to me. My husband has agreed to make it a priority. Ummm, is catching it in a "have a heart" trap and THEN shooting it something that anyone here has done? Granted there is no sport in doing it that way...but the woods around my house are dense and dark and I would hate to wound it and then lose it out there and have it wander off hurt like that. I know it's cold hearted, but I would almost rather catch it and then shoot it so I could know it was dead in the most humane way I know. Any thoughts?

Thanks again for all the help.

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