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hello all the egg snatcher is back
my ducks
are all looking at me like I'm rose
west I feel awful poor buggers.

@Yorkshire coop I never realised that could happen 1 duck went Broody and the other 3 copy the other 3 are indian runners
and apparently it is rare for them to go broody.
Now they have all stopped laying so I'm waiting on duck eggs now lol

Sorry about the chick, it didn't look good when you posted the pics I'm afraid.
Not sure on your mystery chicks :idunno Very pretty though!


I have to say the egg snatcher has had me chuckling :gig
They will get over it in the end and hopefully get back to laying soon. Think it can be a few weeks before they start up again. Then again I've not had ducks.
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it doesn't make me feel any better when I'm walking out there to them it's almost like the omen music is playing in background as I walk up lol
Hi All

Just popped in to report that Tasha's clutch are hatching as I type. There were 3 out when I last checked. Two welsummer/legbar crosses and a light sussex cross chick which is white so probably male, as it should be sex linked even though I am not sure which cockerel is the sire. No sign of the pekin clutch hatching yet though and they were set the same day.... but the two pekin broodies played musical nests and I think this nest was the least favourite, so may have got chilled. The other clutch hatched a few days ago and I got 6 pekins, 5 lavender and a black. All doing well so far and the 9 pekins from the first clutch that Frances hatched must be nearly 7 weeks now and roosting with the big girls on the high bars. Frances hasn't totally cast them off yet but they are pretty independent.

Congrats to Phil on his chicks.

GG you are a mean woman and a spoil sport! Poor ducks! Wouldn't blame them if they didn't lay for the rest of the season in protest! Rose West indeed! When the duck revolution comes, you will be first up against the wall!

BARBARA! I'm so pleased you have checked in with us :clap Was beginning to worry that you had worked your self into the ground!!

Sounds like all is going well with the flock additions ;) When I hatched those Pekin in the incubator they were the last to hatch, maybe they like taking their time!

Picking more Pekin eggs up on Thursday from a new breeder I've found about a half hour drive away so I'm hoping for a good hatch. The little lavendar cockerel I have out in the shed is a real character and thinks he is 10 men taking on the bigger Columbian black tails!

Hope all the horse are OK up there and that you have been out riding!!
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Well amazing! My colder ranger sat on the the six eggs we bought and was totally committed.

Last Sunday I could hear tiny cheeping coming from under her and one little black head poked out!
I took during Monday the single head was joined by 5 more. I am amazed all 6 hatched as I have been reading how low hatch rates can be , or is that more with incubation?

So there were 3 Light Sussex eggs and 3 French Copper Blue Maran eggs.

So my first hatch I have three yellow and 3 dark chicks. One of the maran chicks has black fluff than the other two.
I'm sure there is a better word than fluff

The chicks are all starting to show some colour in the new feathers which seem to grow by the minute!
Well amazing! My colder ranger sat on the the six eggs we bought and was totally committed.

Last Sunday I could hear tiny cheeping coming from under her and one little black head poked out!
I took during Monday the single head was joined by 5 more. I am amazed all 6 hatched as I have been reading how low hatch rates can be , or is that more with incubation?

So there were 3 Light Sussex eggs and 3 French Copper Blue Maran eggs.

So my first hatch I have three yellow and 3 dark chicks. One of the maran chicks has black fluff than the other two.
I'm sure there is a better word than fluff

The chicks are all starting to show some colour in the new feathers which seem to grow by the minute!

Congratulations on the chicks :clap

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