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They are cleaning ponies as daughter has a dressage thingy in 2 hrs time which I've promised I would go to
Then I need to head up the shoot to finish off the pheasant pens and net off the duck ponds as the birds are coming in 2 weeks.

Tomorrow I'm separating my send batch of table chicks and Guinea fowl Keets and moving into separate pens, my first batch of table birds are ready and going to freezer camp Monday, so need to separate the 6 that I'm keeping into there new quarters.
As well as all the other animals to feed and water

It's going to be a busy one
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Good evening everyone :frow
Hope everyone is doing well?

It seems I'm in the same boat on the cockerel front, a lot have been boys this year and I have 14 chicks in the shed that are still unknown :idunno
Knowing my luck it will be 10 plus males from them :(


I'm so pleased to hear you got down from that roof ok! Loving the pics you have posted :D Flower chicks a plenty! I'm afraid the lavender Pekin cockerel I had is no more :( He had turned into the most evil little thing on gods planet! Not with us but he was absolutely terrorising the two black tails and the Orpington. So I thought right you can go in with polish and the polish cross that I have. The polish cross rules the roost in there and I thought no way will he will have a go with her. Well I popped him in yesterday evening and as I thought she bashed him one and he seemed to be in his place for that. But this morning the terror in him had resurfaced and he had a polish on the floor trying to kill her like he had with the blacktails and the Orpington. That was enough for me so he got the chop.
It wasn't just asserting his authority, it was proper I'm going to kill you and do all I can untill I have! Don't know what came over him but I certainly don't want that in my birds.
How's it going with Zak? Hope your making some progress with him and that Ian's patience is still intact :fl I got out on Harry this morning, goodness I was sweating and that was only grooming and tacking up. My hat was seriously :sick when we got back! Any tips for cleaning them? I've tried those hat cleaner things but they don't seem to make much difference. It really is manky and putting it back on is a bit yuck if it's not dried out right.
Hope your having a lovely evening Barbara but knowing you I bet your still doing jobs!!
Fairly early start for me, bird duties done, dog to walk then we have to go to a barbecue for my niece's 1st birthday...last thing i fancy after a few too many cocktails in the sunshine last night! Chucks & ducks have to entertain themselves this afternoon. They wont be amused as they'll have to be penned in :cd
My ducks and chickens have to entertain themselves most of the time...although this afternoon really did provide them with something to watch!
My dad made me a run for the littlies to go in, so I popped them in with the 9 week old and she immediately started hating on one of the little cockerels, to the point where she pecked him so much he started bleeding. So I decided enough was enough and she was thrown out of the run and into the fire of the flock...she got pecked a little but she seems ok now. She just retreats back to her coop when she has had enough. I would rather she get bullied than her bully my little babies, she can defend herself better than they can. But still, they all seem happy enough out there now! Hopefully they won't get too cold overnight but it supposed to stay warm. Am I doing the right thing? Who knows :/
My ducks and chickens have to entertain themselves most of the time...although this afternoon really did provide them with something to watch!
My dad made me a run for the littlies to go in, so I popped them in with the 9 week old and she immediately started hating on one of the little cockerels, to the point where she pecked him so much he started bleeding. So I decided enough was enough and she was thrown out of the run and into the fire of the flock...she got pecked a little but she seems ok now. She just retreats back to her coop when she has had enough. I would rather she get bullied than her bully my little babies, she can defend herself better than they can. But still, they all seem happy enough out there now! Hopefully they won't get too cold overnight but it supposed to stay warm. Am I doing the right thing? Who knows :/


How old are they now? Your right is still quite warm, have you put the brooder plate out with them?
The little chicks I have out in the shed were not even under theirs the other night. Goodness it was warm though! They were just like a little carpet of chicks but seemed quite happy and they only have little feathers.

How old are they now? Your right is still quite warm, have you put the brooder plate out with them?
The little chicks I have out in the shed were not even under theirs the other night. Goodness it was warm though! They were just like a little carpet of chicks but seemed quite happy and they only have little feathers.

They're nearly 5 weeks old now, about the same age my other lot were when I stared putting them out. They've got most of their feathers now so hopefully that'll keep them warm enough. I hate doing it though, can't stand the crying :( I can't put the heat plate out because they are right at the bottom of the garden where there is no electric point, so they're going to have to cuddle up to each other. They haven't been sleeping under it though like you say, it's been too hot. I'll be happier in the morning when I can let them out again and see that they were fine all along.
They're nearly 5 weeks old now, about the same age my other lot were when I stared putting them out. They've got most of their feathers now so hopefully that'll keep them warm enough. I hate doing it though, can't stand the crying :( I can't put the heat plate out because they are right at the bottom of the garden where there is no electric point, so they're going to have to cuddle up to each other. They haven't been sleeping under it though like you say, it's been too hot. I'll be happier in the morning when I can let them out again and see that they were fine all along.

Plus it is like 17/18C out there...that's warm enough surely? It was colder when I out my other out last month...eugh! The first night is always the hardest :(

How did they do? I'm sure they are fine, pretty much fully feathered they should have been ok.
Your so right that first night sure is worrisome :/
How did they do? I'm sure they are fine, pretty much fully feathered they should have been ok.
Your so right that first night sure is worrisome :/

I'm just about to go and check on them now...fingers crossed they're fine! They're probably sat in there crying their little hearts out to be let out so I better put them out of their misery and give them their freedom! :)
@Yorkshire Coop
So I've let them out and they seem happy enough!
A bit perplexed about how to actually get out of the coop, but they all pushed each other out and now they're happy as Larry! ^_^


@Yorkshire Coop
So I've let them out and they seem happy enough!
A bit perplexed about how to actually get out of the coop, but they all pushed each other out and now they're happy as Larry! ^_^




Glad to hear they have done ok out in the coop :clap
They sure do look very happy there out in their run!

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