UK Member Please Say HI

Thinking about what you have described especially with the tumble today this could be a case of wry neck. A neurological disorder caused by either head injury of vitamin deficiency. Here are some threads for you to check out ~
I would think more likely vitamin problem in your case as they don't have vaulted skulls. Just a thought.

I've been good thanks, although too hot! I've been doing the horse early the last could of mornings to try and avoid being out in the heat but goodness it's been hot even at that time. It seems if I moved I sweat! Air seems to be clearing a little now with the breeze but the house still seems very hot and humid :sick
I guess it's holding all the heat from the last few days.

Good luck with the duck hatch :fl
Thinking about what you have described especially with the tumble today this could be a case of wry neck. A neurological disorder caused by either head injury of vitamin deficiency. Here are some threads for you to check out ~
I would think more likely vitamin problem in your case as they don't have vaulted skulls. Just a thought.

I've been good thanks, although too hot! I've been doing the horse early the last could of mornings to try and avoid being out in the heat but goodness it's been hot even at that time. It seems if I moved I sweat! Air seems to be clearing a little now with the breeze but the house still seems very hot and humid :sick
I guess it's holding all the heat from the last few days.

Good luck with the duck hatch :fl

I thought it could be wry neck as two of them were exactly the same when they hatched; couldn't get off their backs, kept falling over and so forth. Maybe I should've kept up with the vitamins instead of thinking they were over it :/ is it something they will need to be on continuously then if it's a neurological problem?
I understand where you're coming from, I'm usually outside by about 7 letting all the chickens and the ducks out, and the last few mornings have been awful! Plus it's been so stuffy inside I'm not surprised the poor chicks haven't been coping very well. Both the dogs have been flat out as well, just collapsing on to any vacant sofa they can find. I'm glad it's starting to cool now though, as much as it's nice for it to be a little warmer, I don't do well in heat!
Morning all, I'm new to chickens from Wakefield and I'm still half asleep

Hi and welcome to the thread

I see from your intro thread that you have 2 light old are they? I guess you won't be getting any eggs yet? It's good that at least one is friendly, but plenty of time for the other to come round.... that said most of my flock are pretty wild! Chickens are great fun especially when they are little. Unfortunately there is often a little heartache with them too as they can be quite prone to illness, injury and of course predator attack. I would definitely recommend you get two more, as with just two now, if anything happened to one, you would be left with a lone chicken.....of course it's even better to get 4 or 6 or 8 more....because you will soon find that you can never really have enough chickens until suddenly you have too many like me.....I've pretty much doubled my flock this summer with several broodies hatching eggs from my own flock.....I have 45 chicks running riot around the place at various stages of development. Goodness knows what I'm going to do with them all and over half are cockerels of course!

Anyway, I hope you continue to enjoy keeping chickens and hopefully reap the extra reward of some eggs soon.

Best wishes

@Yorkshire Coop

Hi Kim

Just reporting in so you know I haven't fallen off the scaffolding! Trapping the bees out of the roof takes about 6 weeks unless you are prepared to cut into the roof and physically remove the nest which obviously then needs a roofer to come and repair the roof and ends up pretty expensive. We are just in the first week of the trap out and I need to visit and make adjustments as each nest is unique and poses different challenges to remove and of course, you have no idea how big it is. One of the guys who lives there is keen to become a beekeeper and has had a hive built so I have given him a swarm and will be mentoring him.... they have an absolutely fabulous garden, so it is a great home for them and I will be bringing these bees in their roof home as it's difficult to relocate them a short distance when doing a trap out.

I came back home this morning from riding to find I am no longer growing flowers in my planters, but chickens!

This is down at home on the lawn underneath my living room window. It's a real sun trap and in the absence of a beach and deck chairs, my planter has had to suffice! They will be wanting sunglasses next!

I also have some photos I took a couple of weeks ago of Tasha and her chicks turning over my muck heap at the yard...

And sunbathing in the corner of the yard

All going well with Zak. I didn't get time to do any training with him Tues, but I had a good session in the arena with him last night although the flies were horrendous again. My sister gave me a few ideas of stuff to work on with him and I definitely feel like we are getting onto the same wavelength. When he starts to get his knickers in a twist, I have to find something else that is less challenging and then come back to what we were trying to do when he is calmer and then we achieve it. Ian is unimpressed but I genuinely feel like I am making progress and building up a partnership of trust and understanding with the little lad, as well as improving his balance and agility. Wish I had a school at home that I could work my horses in, as I can see how beneficial it is now that I am doing regular training.... it's clicking for me as much as for the horse! Anyway, it was a little cooler here this morning so we rode out. They were both still to hose off when we got back as they were lathered and I must confess that I was quite happy to get a bit wet in the process myself. Zak went very well and although I hadn't wanted to do any jumping whilst we were out today, Ian cut through the woods on the way home and there were a couple of small logs and some brash that he popped over beautifully. Unfortunately he lost a front shoe whilst we were out so we will be limited to work in the arena until Ian's farrier comes.

We had a couple of minor rain/thunder storms yesterday but it dried up pretty quickly. It did feel a little fresher afterwards though. Tues was unbearably hot and sticky. I don't know how people survive in hot humid climates.

Think that is all my news for now. Must go and make a day pen for the latest chicks as they need to come out of the side board tomorrow for some sunshine and grass and my regular cage is not big enough to accommodate two broodies and their chicks.

Best wishes

Finally plucked up the courage to introduce the broodies and chicks to the rest of the flock today....don't know what I was expecting really! The main flock were more interested in eating the chick crumb:


The pen has worked a treat. I think they just became part of the furniture and when I opened the pen, it was quite normal. The Indian Game broody got a bit flappy after 10 minutes and had a go at half of the hens but they soon settled down. We've got a lot of horrible magpies that love raiding all the sparrow nests (not to mention the buzzards and sparrowhawks) so I can't let the little 'uns range fully yet.

I have a lovely splash silkie chick (see pic below) that is a menace.....but, for once, I actually want it to be a cockerel. I think it would make for decent breeding stock next year. Hope all is well with everyone and a big "hello" to the latest thread subscribers...

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Wow that's a lot of chickens

I'm not 100% sure how old they are to be honest suppose I should of asked a few more questions at the time but I was excited to have 2 I just wanted to get them to there new home
I let my granddaughter name them jalessa and little Joe (my sons name)
But I've renamed Joe pecky as she uses any excuse to peck me lol all good fun, seem to spend my free time out there even if they do keep me up past my bed time
I'm sure I've lots to learn but there's lots of info here
Anyway my bed time night all

Good afternoon all! How is everyone?
Thought I should give you a quick update before I pop off to work :)
Above are my 4 weeks old Scots Grey chicks. The two that were spinning and with wry neck seem to be perking up now I'm cramming vitamins and electrolytes down their throats, and tank fully it has cooled down for them too! They're very cheeky and I'm going to start getting them ready to head outside next week, they're starting to wear their brooder so they need their freedom now me thinks!
Still got my 9 week old chick in her own run, desperate to let her out with the others but as soon as I put her in the coop with them the other night they all immediately jumped on her and started pecking her...maybe I just need to bite there bullet and leave her in their, I'm just worried because she is so small in comparison!
Hope everyone else is well!

Good afternoon all! How is everyone?
Thought I should give you a quick update before I pop off to work :)
Above are my 4 weeks old Scots Grey chicks. The two that were spinning and with wry neck seem to be perking up now I'm cramming vitamins and electrolytes down their throats, and tank fully it has cooled down for them too! They're very cheeky and I'm going to start getting them ready to head outside next week, they're starting to wear their brooder so they need their freedom now me thinks!
Still got my 9 week old chick in her own run, desperate to let her out with the others but as soon as I put her in the coop with them the other night they all immediately jumped on her and started pecking her...maybe I just need to bite there bullet and leave her in their, I'm just worried because she is so small in comparison!
Hope everyone else is well!

They look so fab! I've just got back from work so I'm heading up the garden to let my chicks out for a few hours. Still really warm here, a nice little breeze but still hot, my big flock have it sorted and hang around under the trees and bushes so they stay cool. The ducks have now taken over my daughter's huge paddling pool as well as their own pond!!! She's not impressed! Hope the chicks enjoy the freedom when you let them out, maybe they could keep the 9 week old company?

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